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  1. L

    One dead and 71 injured in long haul flight from London to Singapore

    Apparently this part of the world is known for unexpected turbulence - above the Bay of Bengal, who woulda thunk it? I'm keeping my seatbelt "comfortably fastened" thank you very much. There is a scene in one of the Hitchhikers Guide series (book 5 of 3 possibly) where Arthur Dent travels so...
  2. L

    Cardinal discussion

    Does the Cardinal get serviced at all in Chicago? Or does every run have to go through Sunnyside?
  3. L

    Cardinal discussion

    I hear often that "capacity constraints" are stopping a daily Cardinal. Are there any particular places that are a constraint? I am assuming BB is one of them? Given that the gap used to be filled by the late lamented Hoosier State, would there be any possibility to run an overnight...
  4. L

    One dead and 71 injured in long haul flight from London to Singapore

    I am booked on a Singapore Airlines flight from London to Singapore in 2 months. Trying not to think about this at the moment:eek:
  5. L

    Additional Service from New York/Philadelphia to Pennsylvania

    Can anyone explain to me the "High Bridge" option? How do you get from Allentown to High Bridge on "existing freight lines"? '
  6. L

    St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago (TCMC) second daily service

    Maybe we need a special word to describe railroad passenger services provided by Amtrak that can be used for marketing purposes. I don't know. How about "train"? Or is that too radical. Maybe "MilRocService" is more recognisable?
  7. L

    Can Private Railroads operate passenger service without government help?

    This is the exact point. The price that RRs need to charge to make passenger services profitable is way above what railfans think they ought to charge. The only real way to make money is to offer 'rail cruise' operations -- or offer to run trains at commercial rates contracted to state/regional...
  8. L

    Ohio finally starts the process for new Amtrak service

    Chicago - Columbus - Pittsburgh was derailed by hyperloop hype the last round. Let's hope that is dead and buried.
  9. L

    FRA's Corridor ID Program and possible new Corridors

    I am sure I read somewhere that the deal was that Amtrak would get the Keystone Corridor to Harrisburg and in exchange NS could concentrate on the Reading/Harrisburgh Corridor for freight. So while there is a class 1 route from NJ through Allentown and Reading, NS could reasonably demand $$$$...
  10. L

    St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago (TCMC) second daily service

    Because every discussion on Amtrak inevitably drifts into a discussion of what the NYC or Pennsy could do in 1951... wasn't there a thread here a year or so ago on this?
  11. L

    Pittsburgh Amtrak Station past, present and future

    Long gone. Wikipedia suggests demolished in 1998 :(
  12. L

    New Gulf Coast service (New Orleans - Mobile and Baton Rouge)

    quote: "[state and federal contributions] will build a new bridge over the Bonnet Carre Spillway, improve crossings, and allow the train to run at 90 miles an hour". ... but I doubt that can be done in the next 18 months :)
  13. L

    Future direct Chicago-Florida Route

    What's that blob between Nashville and Charlotte? Not Lexington, Shirley? Ignore that. I think it's Knoxville.
  14. L

    FRA Long Distance Service Study discussion

    It looks like a very comprehensive review has taken place and some of the oddities of the Amtrak Connect plans have been ironed out. They have made it pretty clear that what they are doing is making best use of what is out there and not building new lines (regular or high speed). Even given the...
  15. L

    Ohio finally starts the process for new Amtrak service

    Unfortunately, the route between Ohio and Pittsburgh was ripped up by CONRAIL after cessation of the National Limited (or is it the other way around). Today if you want to run the route the options are a long detour on NS along the Ohio River or you could try to run more direct via the Wheeling...
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    New Gulf Coast service (New Orleans - Mobile and Baton Rouge)

    aah. Twinned with Atlantis. Thank you :)
  17. L

    New Gulf Coast service (New Orleans - Mobile and Baton Rouge)

    Magnificent stuff! As an outsider, may I ask where Danville TN is? Google maps can't seem to find it :)
  18. L

    New Gulf Coast service (New Orleans - Mobile and Baton Rouge)

    I have a dream of a new Hummingbird from Pittsburgh to Memphis through Cincinnati and Nashville. Probably the most daft train imaginable :)
  19. L

    New Gulf Coast service (New Orleans - Mobile and Baton Rouge)

    Wasn't this the route that the L&N cancelled literally mid-run the moment they got approval to nix it with passengers transferred to bus midway through their trip? Possibly not the pinnacle of customer service from the old Railroads :)