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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. bonzoesc

    Miami Tri-Rail discussion

    Tri-Rail is doing a few service changes. They're adding one daily express each way, with fewer stops: I found some more details at They're also planning...
  2. bonzoesc

    Bid Up questions and experiences

    When I looked at a Bid Up email back in December 2023, there was an option to skip the bid and just pay for the up, and if that email hits you after a long day of work and an evening at a restaurant with a nice tap list…
  3. bonzoesc

    Scanners, Radio and other such tech inquiries

    Just going by posts on this page, it looks like you can do it with a Baofeng handheld; I've got two and they were <$40 each.
  4. bonzoesc

    WiFi on longer routes

    I definitely am, but I’m also aware of the realities of getting the internet to vehicles. Brightline promises seamless wifi from station to station, but on the train the bandwidth isn’t great and it drops out when there’s no great view of the sky (supposedly it’s Starlink?), and it blocks my...
  5. bonzoesc

    Airline food vs. Amtrak's flex

    On the airplane menu side, there's a bunch of examples in the "Menus on Planes" thread: My experience is that the best ship meals I've had blow away the best meals on airplanes, which blow away the best meals on Amtrak, and the worst...
  6. bonzoesc

    Brightline Trains Florida discussion 2024 H1

    Tonight's train has the Princess Cruises wrap which has just the odd swishes of dots, not the complete window covering of the Kissimmee wrap.
  7. bonzoesc

    Brightline Trains Florida discussion 2024 H1

    My train this morning has dots 😭 There are probably different levels of work that gets done; daily, weekly, monthly, annually, that sort of thing. Any transit agency is going to have people for dailies (check for safe operation) and weeklies (fluids), but monthly checks may be cheaper to...
  8. bonzoesc

    Brightline Trains Florida discussion 2024 H1

    My belief is that it's like lower-stakes aviation maintenance; a good shop is going to have manuals, equipment, and more concern for getting it right than fast, but without the need for "Airframe & Powerplant" certifications or a fear that the vehicle will fall out of the sky in whole or parts.
  9. bonzoesc

    Atlantic Coast (Silver/Palmetto/Carolinian) Service discussion Q4 2023 - 2024

    Does the tunnel under DC have the clearance for Superliners?
  10. bonzoesc

    Carbon footprint for various modes of transport

    There's also a gift link in the thread about the article from a few weeks back
  11. bonzoesc

    Horn noise and fumes

    Would it help to keep the walk shorter when arriving at terminal stations like Miami, where the buffers are right next to the station house? That said, I think my last southbound Silver trip had the sleepers aft of the rest of the passenger cars.
  12. bonzoesc

    Brightline Trains Florida discussion 2024 H1

    Got it resolved as of last night, almost exactly four wall clock days or two business days.
  13. bonzoesc

    Is Amtrak greener than flying?

    Wikipedia lists a Superliner coach as 75 tons and seating 78, and a sleeper as 80 tons sleeping 44. If everyone overpacks way worse than I do for a total weight of 400lb/pax, that’s about 16 tons of payload for a coach and 9 tons on a sleeper. More mass is gonna need more power to get going...
  14. bonzoesc

    Brightline Trains Florida discussion 2024 H1

    I submitted the ticket online right before posting that because as a millennial I would rather lose blood than use the phone.
  15. bonzoesc

    Is Amtrak greener than flying?

    I love this podcast, really hoping I can make it to a live show some time. Towards the end of the episode about battery-electric trains, Rocz really goes into the physics advantage that overhead electrification offers: you don't have to bring all your stored energy with you! This is where the...