Today I took a trip out to Springfeild, MA with my dad to attend the "Big Railroad Hobby Show" at the Eastern States Exposition (aka Big E). I went last year too and pretty much everything was the same. There were three large buildings, each with 50-100 vendors and 1-5 layouts. The most impressive layouts was David Harrisons Acela/Northeast Corridor layout and Dry Hill, an excellent Amtrak set up with a large station and mail platform (few photos later). I ended up purchasing an Budd 10-6 Amtrak Crew Dorm for my layout. I also picked up some various Amtrak "paper" items from a couple of travel agencies. On the way back I spotted 1 Amtrak Roadrailer (Phase IV) on the Mass Pike. I have seen them on this road before, and on I-95 near Jacksonville, FL. All in all a good day.