First Trip Questions

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Train Attendant
Feb 10, 2013
I've been reading on this site and a few others, so I think I have our game plan, but I wanted to run it by you folks before booking and ask a few questions. It's my husband's 60th birthday and we plan to take the CZ from CHI to EMY. Since it's a special trip for him, I'd like it to be as nice as possible! :)

-We'll be flying into MDW and I found the directions on getting to Union Station. My plan is to check our carry-ons with the attendant in the Metropolitan Lounge, since we'll arrive several hours before departure. Any lunch suggestions near the station?

- I'm still debating on whether to book a roomette or bedroom. The price differnce is huge! $485 versus $1268. Is there much difference in the experience? Yes, it's a special trip, but geez. :eek:

- We'll each have a backpack and one roller bag between us since we plan to spend a few days in the Bay area before flying home. Should we leave the roller bag in the bag room, and just take our backpacks to our room?

- My husband said he would prefer to be on the upper level, but I can't make that request online, right? If I call reservations, how do I get my tickets. I'd prefer to book online and not hassle with lines on day of travel.

-My husband likes a particular flavor of beer, :p so if there is place close to the station in CHI, I thought we could buy some of his favorite beer to take with us. Shouldn't be a problem if he only drinks it in our room, right? Is there a store close to the station? I can pack a small soft-sided cooler that lays flat, but what about ice onboard?

- What are the dining car hours? We prefer to eat dinner later than many people. What are the hours for the cafe car for snacks and drinks?

- Do you tip your room attendant daily, or on the last day, like on a cruise?

Thanks in advance for helping me make this a special birthday trip for my husband! Any and all tips are appreciated.
I meant to mention on the roomette, versus bedroom issue, that in addition to the price difference, a toliet in such close proximity to your sitting and sleeping area, seems icky. Do they smell like airline lavs? I don't care how well airline lavs are serviced, they still have a certain smell.
Roomette vs bedroom...its personal preference. For more than one night I go with the bedroom; for one night I can go either way. I have a tendancy to not sleep much when traveling (especially by train). With a bedroom made up for sleeping, there is still "sitting room"; with a roomette, not so much. As far as the bathroom in the room goes, I haven't encountered any odor problems. Taking a shower in there is interesting in a moving train!

I'd leave the roller bag in the lower level storage area, especially if you get a roomette...its easy to get to during the trip for change of clothes, etc.

I think the "default" is upper level unless its all booked. If you want to specify one or the other, you must do so by phone. Tickets are "electronic" should receive a PDF via email from Amtrak. You can print that or just display it on your smartphone. If you don't have the Amtrak "app" on your phone, you can just display the PDF ticket.

When they go around taking dining car reservations, you can ask for as late as they will allow.

Yes, you can consume your own alcoholic beverage in your own room. Ice may be obtained by asking the attendendant. Sometimes the ice is "self-serve", sometimes only by asking the attendant. The availability of ice has been the topic of several discussions here! It dependends on your attendant.

I usually tip at the end of the trip or a particular leg. I try and tip BEFORE arrival. Its easy to get caught up in the detraining process to forget and your attendant is going to be busy and not in sight!

Good luck and have fun!

:hi: Welcome to the Forum, Wonderful Idea for a Birthday Present, your Husband is a Lucky Man! :)

By all means go with the Roomette instead of the Bedroom, the Extra money will Come in Handy in the Bay Area! ;) and when you call to make the Rez ask for a Room Upstairs! (#2-#10 are Upstairs with the Bedrooms, #1 is the Attendants Room/ #11-#14 are Downstairs with the Family Room and the H Room)

You can carry your Alcohol aboard to be Consumed in your Room, Ice will be Available from your Sleeping Car Attendant (A limited selection of Alcohol is Available in the Cafe car and Diner but its Pricey compared to buying in a Liquor Store or Grocery Store) Sorry I dont know the exact location of a liquor store Around Union Station but there is a Whole Foods not far from the station and Im sure the Lounge folks or members here have Info on this!

The Luggage Rack is located Downstairs for large bags, all youll need for your Room is your Carry Ons, or you can Check your Luggage for the Whole Trip(you do this @ the baggage check Room outside the Lounge towards the Great Hall) and just take what you need for the Trip with you! You Can Leave your Bags with the Redcap @ the Baggage Check Room in the Metro Lounge and also get a RedCap for the Ride to the Train on a Cart instead of taking the Kindergarten Walk up the Long Platforms! Remember to Tip!

As to Food, Greektown is a couple of Blocks to the West of union Station with lots of Resturants, Eating Joints etc. Giordanos Pizza (Deep Dish/Made to order) is just Across the river from Union Station across from the sears (nee Willis) Tower and farther East over towards the Lake there are Numerous Places to eat! Union Station also has a Food Court Upstairs for mostly Fast Food type Meals and there is a Nice Deli/Pub by the Great hall Downstairs that Lots of People Like! You can Google up Lots of Info on Chicago including Lots of threads that have been Discussed on this Forum!

As for your Tickets, Amtrak Now uses e-tickets so they will send you an e-mail that will have your Ticket Attached, you can print it @ Home,from a Quik-Track Machone @ the Station or even in the Agent in the Metro Lounge can do it for you when you Check in to the Lounge!

Tips: Tip the Diner Waiters @ the end of each Meal and your Sleping Car attendant @ the end of the Trip Based on the Level of Service, a Good Rule of thumb is $5 per Person per Night/ more for Exceptional and Above and Beyond Service! (ie Delivering meals to Your Room , Responding tSpecial Requests )
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Thank you both! It sounds like I'm on the right track. :giggle: Since upper level is default, I'm going to book online and see what happens. I'll get an email with our room assignment, correct? If it's lower level, I can call and try to change it, right?

I'm glad to know about the ice. Silly, I know, but it's his birthday trip and I want him to have his fav beer. I'm happy to tip our attendant well to keep his beer on ice. :) It's not like he will be drinking during the day, only in the evening before dinner.

If anyone knows where to buy beer/wine near Union Station, that would be helpful. I'd like to buy a bottle of wine too, and I'm super picky, so I'm doubtful I'll like what is offered onboard. We'll have 5 hours from the time we land at MDW and departure time at CHI, so I'm hoping we'll have time to dump our bags at the lounge, have lunch, and procure our booze. :p

There is a good size CVS drug store right on the corner opposite union station, They sell beer, wine and spirits, but I have no idea of their brand range. You should go with the roomette... much better value and no yukky smells. You can book online then call and try to alter your roomette if needed, but remember they can't give you an upper room if they are already sold!

Have a great adventure!

Ed :cool:
As far as the toilet, you will be riding on the California Zephyr (CZ) in a Superliner. The issue of the toilet next to the bed is only on a Viewliner (single level cars). Only in the bedroom is the toilet in the room, and it in a separate enclosed room.

Before you depart Denver, grab a seat in the Sightseer Lounge Car. The accent up the Front Range, and in fact that whole day on the CZ, is considered by many to be the most scenic trip on Amtrak!
Thanks. I booked it online. We were assigned car 531, roomette 012. Is that upper or lower?
Roomette 12 is on the lower level. You'll want to call Amtrak and speak to a live agent to see if you can get that changed to an upstairs room. The upstairs rooms are numbered 2-10.

Regarding Dining Car Hours - I was on the California Zephyr Chicago-Sacramento just this past weekend and here is what we had -

Dinner each evening is by reservation and someone from the diner will make a PA announcement about this and then come through the train (starting with the sleepers) around 3 in the afternoon to make your dinner reservations. The first dinner seating is generally about 5pm and there will be another each 30 or 45 minutes until 7 or 7:30pm. You shouldn't have trouble getting one of the later seatings.

Breakfast the first morning out ran from 6:00am - 8:30am mountain time. The second morning breakfast ran from 6:30am - 9:00am pacific time. Breakfast is a come as you're ready affair and you're seated immediately so long as they have seats available. On my trip they did resort to a waiting list for breakfast the second morning as a huge crowd boarded in Reno at 8:30am.

Lunch generally runs from noon until 1:30 or 2:00pm and, like breakfast, was first come, first seated. They may, during peak travel periods, use reservations for lunch as well.
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Welcome to Amtrak Unlimited. I hope you and your husband have a most enjoyable trip.

My wife and I will be taking the same train from CHI to EMY in mid-March to visit our daughter.

I have made this trip twice alone in a roomette, but this time we will have a bedroom. My

wife (and her stuff) & I no longer fit in a roomette, so when she travels with me, we get a bedroom.

Regarding your ticket, if you are taking the Ambus into San Francisco, you will get the traditional

boarding pass type ticket. The bus connection is not equipped to use the printed e-ticket, or at

least that was the situation when we booked our trip in January.

I'm hopeing there will still be snow in the Rocky and Sierra Nevada mountains. The scenery

is spectacular in those areas.

Have a great trip.
So, I just called and a very nice agent changed our reservation to car 532, room 007. No problem. I've already received a new e-ticket. No hassle at all; starting off on the right foot!
Welcome to Amtrak Unlimited. I hope you and your husband have a most enjoyable trip.My wife and I will be taking the same train from CHI to EMY in mid-March to visit our daughter.

I have made this trip twice alone in a roomette, but this time we will have a bedroom. My

wife (and her stuff) & I no longer fit in a roomette, so when she travels with me, we get a bedroom.

Regarding your ticket, if you are taking the Ambus into San Francisco, you will get the traditional

boarding pass type ticket. The bus connection is not equipped to use the printed e-ticket, or at

least that was the situation when we booked our trip in January.

I'm hopeing there will still be snow in the Rocky and Sierra Nevada mountains. The scenery

is spectacular in those areas.

Have a great trip.
Thank you. Yes, we're hoping to see snow in the Rockies and Sierra Nevadas as well. No, we won't be taking the Ambus in SFO. We have a neice who lives in San Jose, and she is going to pick us up and serve as our sightseeing guide the next day!
Regarding your ticket, if you are taking the Ambus into San Francisco, you will get the traditionalboarding pass type ticket. The bus connection is not equipped to use the printed e-ticket, or at

least that was the situation when we booked our trip in January.
Just a heads up that is now an E-Ticket connection. It will not show up under the list on the Amtrak website but Capitol Corridor sent out a news alert and it is updated on the Capitol Corridor website. Amtrak has not updated their list yet. Enjoy!
Welcome to AU. I am a bedroom fan because I do not like sharing toilet facilities with anyone. However, it is more expensive. (I treated myself to a bedroom for my 60th birthday).

I do not know what kind of beer your husband prefers, but if it is organic or craft, they likely will sell it at Whole Foods, which is walking distance from Union Station. I will not attempt to give you directions (I will leave that to someone else who has a better sense of direction). I get lost easily, but I am able to find Whole Foods when in Chicago (and New York).

Enjoy your trip - it sounds great.
The first dinner seating is generally about 5pm and there will be another each 30 or 45 minutes until 7 or 7:30pm. You shouldn't have trouble getting one of the later seatings.
Breakfast the first morning out ran from 6:00am - 8:30am mountain time. The second morning breakfast ran from 6:30am - 9:00am pacific time. Breakfast is a come as you're ready affair and you're seated immediately so long as they have seats available. On my trip they did resort to a waiting list for breakfast the second morning as a huge crowd boarded in Reno at 8:30am.

Lunch generally runs from noon until 1:30 or 2:00pm and, like breakfast, was first come, first seated. They may, during peak travel periods, use reservations for lunch as well.
Yikes! Those are very early diniing times for us. :( We prefer dinner between 8pm and 9pm, and breakfast around 10. Normally, we don't eat lunch. Can we order a late dinner or breakfast in our room?
Welcome to AU. I am a bedroom fan because I do not like sharing toilet facilities with anyone. However, it is more expensive. (I treated myself to a bedroom for my 60th birthday).
I do not know what kind of beer your husband prefers, but if it is organic or craft, they likely will sell it at Whole Foods, which is walking distance from Union Station. I will not attempt to give you directions (I will leave that to someone else who has a better sense of direction). I get lost easily, but I am able to find Whole Foods when in Chicago (and New York).

Enjoy your trip - it sounds great.
Thank you. Yep, we'll get directions to Whole Foods.
So, now that I've booked, my aunt and uncle want to go too! I've seen a diagram of the rooms here, but I can't seem to find it now. I think it would be fun to get another roomette accross the hall, but maybe a close bedroom. She needs to check with my uncle to see how he feels about sharing bathroom facilities. He is elderly, in great shape, but having a bathroom readily available is essential. I'm thinking he'll prefer a private toilet. Which roomette or bedroom should we request?
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The first dinner seating is generally about 5pm and there will be another each 30 or 45 minutes until 7 or 7:30pm. You shouldn't have trouble getting one of the later seatings.
Breakfast the first morning out ran from 6:00am - 8:30am mountain time. The second morning breakfast ran from 6:30am - 9:00am pacific time. Breakfast is a come as you're ready affair and you're seated immediately so long as they have seats available. On my trip they did resort to a waiting list for breakfast the second morning as a huge crowd boarded in Reno at 8:30am.

Lunch generally runs from noon until 1:30 or 2:00pm and, like breakfast, was first come, first seated. They may, during peak travel periods, use reservations for lunch as well.
Yikes! Those are very early diniing times for us. :( We prefer dinner between 8pm and 9pm, and breakfast around 10. Normally, we don't eat lunch. Can we order a late dinner or breakfast in our room?
I would encourage you to make an adjustment regarding your preferred dinner times. Part of the whole positive Amtrak LD experience is dining with fellow passengers and swapping lies. Seriously, I look forward to meeting new people on each trip.
I know you've already made your reservations, but if you're thinking about changing them because of your aunt and uncle anyway, let me throw out another option: get TWO roomettes for yourself and your husband. If the current buckets are $465 for a roomette and $1268 for a bedroom, it would cost $930 for 2 roomettes; obviously, this is twice the price of one roomette, but still less than the price of just one bedroom.

You would get two main benefits out of this. For one - and I think this is a big one - neither of you will have to sleep in the upper bunk of the roomette. There are no windows up there, no room to sit up, and it's narrower than the lower bunk. It really is like being in a coffin. I'm not really claustrophobic, but I just don't like sleeping up there. Everything else about traveling in a roomette - the seats, the views, etc. - is great, except that upper bunk.

Secondly, if you book the roomette across the hall from the one you already have, you'll get views out both sides of the train. Especially on the very scenic route you're taking, you might want to be able to look out the other side. This way, you and your husband can just move across the hall to the other roomette if the view is better over there.

With two roomettes, you don't have an ensuite bathroom, but the bathroom down the hall is a lot bigger and more "ergonomic" than the one in the bedroom, and the shower downstairs is MUCH bigger and better than the one in the bedroom.

It sounds like your aunt and uncle really will need a bedroom, if he definitely needs a toilet right nearby. If you can get adjoining bedrooms, that might be nice. However, you could still keep your roomette(s) and hang out with them during the day - either in their bedroom, or in your 2 roomettes.

Lastly, about the dining times - my wife and I also like to eat late. However, I find that on the train, I prefer eating earlier. I think it's because it's a lot easier to be on an "early bird" schedule on a train - after the sun sets (8:00 or 9:00), there really isn't anything to do or look at, since the scenery out the window is the main draw of the train. Plus, with few (if any) other activities onboard, I really start looking forward to mealtimes. Most importantly, though, is that the train has limited amounts of each dinner selection - the later you eat, the more likely it is that they will be out of one (or more) selections - and chances are that your fellow passengers know best, and the items they'll be out of are the good ones! The menu is limited enough as it is without running out of options.
I too would suggest possibly changing your "normal" meal times. For me (and many others), part of the unique rail experience is getting out of your room(s) and meeting other travelers on the train, either in the Lounge car or in the Dining car. Some of the most interesting conversations I've had were with people that I've met there. And I've met people from all over the US and Canada, but also many from the UK, Australia, Sweden, Spain, Brazil and many other countries also.

Most times at home, I easily stay awake until 2 of 3 am and sleep until 9 or 10 am. However, on a train I'm asleep by 9 or 10 pm and wake up (by myself) around 5 or 6 am! (Unless I'm on a train, I don't even realize the day includes the time 6 am! :p )
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