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  1. AFS1970

    AGR FNBO Credit Card discussion 2023 H2 -2025

    I just had a weird thing with the AGR card. I was booking airline tickets and there was a premium charge for either an aisle seat or a window seat (so 2/3 of the plane). The tickets went through without a hitch, but the website kept saying that they could not give me my seat choice. I tried...
  2. AFS1970

    Serious Amtrak mishandling of passengers

    One reason they restrict platform access in the bigger stations is to keep the undesirables away from the trains. I rode NEC many times in the pre 9/11/2001 days, and there was a girl who would get on quite a few trains begging for money, always telling the same story that she had a fight with...
  3. AFS1970

    Public ownership of railroads

    Shutting down during Covid was an interesting move. With so many people working from home, the ridership dropped significantly. My local bus service did the opposite, they kept running but made the busses free. This was not to be nice, it was because they roped off the front half of the busses...
  4. AFS1970

    Recent Short Trip on NEC (Stamford to Portland)

    The only reason I thought they might be the same bus was because both were announced together at the 3:30 bus.
  5. AFS1970

    Another Recent Short NEC Trip (Stamford to Boston)

    After starting my last post, I decided to split these two trips as different posts to keep the length better and easier to read. So, this was an even shorter trip but one purely for pleasure, not for work. Again, it was a pleasant trip and has kind of increased my wife's opinion of train...
  6. AFS1970

    AGR FNBO Credit Card discussion 2023 H2 -2025

    I figured out what one of the World Card benefits is. My wife had deleted the Lyft app from her phone after a bad experience but then heard from coworkers that in the town she works in Lyft has more drivers than Uber. She put the app back on and started using it, then she gota$5 credit...
  7. AFS1970

    Recent Short Trip on NEC (Stamford to Portland)

    I recently took two short NEC trips, a couple of weeks apart, both were pleasant and kind of renewed my opinion of train travel, not that it needed it. Trip #1 was Stamford, CT to Portland, ME for a work conference. My original plan was to take the train all the way, but the Downeaster...
  8. AFS1970

    UNESCO Award for Grand Central Madison

    There are some nice art pieces there, but it is a fairly stark almost industrial station to me. I thought UNESCO was all about world heritage, which I am not sure how a newly built station has all that much impact on. Still, it is nice to see a train station get an award.
  9. AFS1970

    What happens on the train when it is twelve hours late?

    This surprises me. My local Subway advertises platters and six-foot-long sandwiches. I have seen them lay out 4-5 sandwiches at once and do the toppings. So, I would assume if they were making all the sandwiches the same, it would be fairly simple. Granted it would need to be scaled up for a...
  10. AFS1970

    AGR FNBO Credit Card discussion 2023 H2 -2025

    About six months ago I got a new AGR car in the mail, I didn't ask for it and it had the same number and expiration date as the old one. I called FNBO and they said I had been upgraded by Mastercard, but that my wife would not get a new card until the expiration date in 2028. I am not sure what...
  11. AFS1970

    Coach USA owner of Megabus files for bankruptcy

    I just watched that video the other day. I recently had a bizarre run around with CoachUSA's customer service which I found out as almost entirely run by AI, and not all that intelligent. I can see why the company is failing, they did not make it easy to ride with them.
  12. AFS1970

    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H2

    Most of my travel is on NEC trains, so my dining experience is largely the Cafe car. I have noticed that the quality of the food there has increased, although at the same time as this I have had to limit my diet so there are several choices I can't order. The overall quality, even with something...
  13. AFS1970

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    NYC's Port Authority Bus Terminal is an example of a government run station with a mix of public and private busses, both transit and intercity routes. Yet even given this partnership, Bolt, MegaBus & Flix all have or had stops outside of the terminal to cut costs. Growing up in the suburbs I...
  14. AFS1970

    Greyhound sounding Chicago alarm

    Like with a lot of transportation issue this is going to boil down to just who is responsible for transportation. Greyhound (Now Flix) is a private company and has made a series of bad business decisions. Now they come to the government and ask what the city is going to do to bail them out of...
  15. AFS1970

    France's rail network affected by apparent coordinated arson

    If someone was going to attack multiple train stations or train lines in one night, it would have to be simultaneous or nearly so. IF someone hit one target, then another and maybe a third, patrols & surveillance would increase at others fairly quickly. Especially if a pattern or direction of...