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  1. C

    Los Angeles Union Station and environs

    Is there a ride share curb or location for LAUS?
  2. C

    California Zephyr which direction is best

    OK time frames of end September thru October and January thru March fit us really well.... Thnx
  3. C

    California Zephyr which direction is best

    OK thnx for the comments.... we are thinking westbound now to find the best time (lowest Fair)?? good luck, right?
  4. C

    California Zephyr which direction is best

    OK we are thinking of the empire builder from maybe spokane or pasco to chicago then chicago to emeryville and finally up the coast back to Washington
  5. C

    California Zephyr which direction is best

    OK thnx. Pre - covid we went from North Dakota to Spokane, Wa on Amtrak, and the Rockys toward sunset were awesome.
  6. C

    California Zephyr which direction is best

    East to West, or West to East when planning a trip on the California Zephyr??