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  1. Fenu S

    Phase VII car repaint status
  2. Fenu S

    Phase VII car repaint status

    No high quality photos (yet), but take a look ;)
  3. Fenu S

    Phase VII car repaint status

    Some new pics from my friend "HHP-8 is in Phase VII"
  4. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Long Distance (LD) and Inter-Regional fleet replacement

    Don't think this was mentioned in the Trains article.
  5. Fenu S

    Phase VII car repaint status

    Here is some pictures my friend sent me. I guess the superliners will be something similar to this.
  6. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Long Distance (LD) and Inter-Regional fleet replacement

    I don't think anyone has announced it yet, but here we go! The fact sheet isn't really worth downloading, very basic info about the cars that we could easily assume.
  7. Fenu S

    CN moves crew terminal out of Jasper Hopefully this doesn't effect the town too much.
  8. Fenu S

    Amtrak Siemens Charger Locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2H 2024 - 2025)

    A friend shared with me that a Midwest Charger got a new nose. Not sure if it's been posted before.
  9. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians

    According to the latest map released today, the station in Jasper has now been listed under "visible fire damage".
  10. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians

    Credit: Jasper National Park
  11. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians

    The Fraser river is expected to surge from a landslide further up, hopefully it doesn't effect any rails along it.
  12. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians
  13. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians

    Unfortunately, the south end of Jasper is burning. Buildings along the outskirts are on fire, hopefully the train station is able to be saved. Maligne Lodge as well as the Petro Canada gas station are gone for sure. Most likely the fire is burning deeper into the town, but we can't confirm until...
  14. Fenu S

    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians

    Within the last hour, the fire has moved towards the outskirts of the South Jasper townsite. Extremely concerning at the minute. I also read CN opened their line again this afternoon? I would assume they will change their minds.
  15. Fenu S

    Midwest Venture discussion 2023 Q3 -2024

    Not sure if anyone has posted this, but the coach cafe car debuted.