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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. H

    Auto Train discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    Yes, thanks!
  2. H

    Amtrak video: "We're Becoming a Transportation Powerhouse"

    IMHO it is not so much fun when trying to sleep!
  3. H

    Amtrak video: "We're Becoming a Transportation Powerhouse"

    I've been riding Amtrak for a long time. In general it seems as though the service is getting better but they still have a long way to go. We recently on the Auto Train. The SCA was excellent. The service in the dining car was mediocre at best. Until they retire some of the old school...
  4. H

    Autotrain delay - terrible communication

    Apparently there have been problems with the Auto Train all week. And it appears as though it was cancelled in both directions yesterday. What is happening? Was it an accident that caused the delays to compound?
  5. H

    Atlantic Coast (Silver/Palmetto/Carolinian) Service discussion 2024 H2 - 2025

    I have a ticket on train 98, car no. 9812, room B. Will this be a new Viewliner?
  6. H

    Modifying/canceling a reservation

    DLD (Deland, FL) stands for the station we are departing from. Sorry for not making that clear. Can the station agent change the ticket or do I have to call Amtrak?
  7. H

    Modifying/canceling a reservation

    I have a trip booked for myself and my wife but my adult son will be traveling with me instead of my wife. How do I modify the ticket for my son? Can it be done at a train station (DLD) with an attendant or does it need to be done ahead of time? Thanks for your anticipated help!
  8. H

    Silver Meteor Question

    I've booked a trip on train no. 98. My room no. 9812 - Room B. How can I tell if this is one of the newer sleeping cars? Thx
  9. H

    Auto Train discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    But it was almost 4 hrs. late arriving in Lorton.
  10. H

    Auto Train discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    What is happening with the NB Auto Train today (Sunday 12/10)?
  11. H

    Amtrak running extra trains around Thanksgiving?

    Where do they get extra cars? I thought there was a shortage.
  12. H

    $66 billion for Amtrak

    ....which would mean increased costs over time! So I don't think management would want that. But then again Amtrak is a government funded entity.
  13. H

    Help with Points Breakdown?

    Thank you Amy. Now that makes sense. I don't know where I got the idea it was based on miles traveled but am glad to understand how it works.
  14. H

    Help with Points Breakdown?

    I recently made a trip on a NE Regional from BAL to NYC and back the same day. It is almost 200 miles from BAL to NYC but it appears as though I only got credit for 63 miles each way (not including the double mile bonus). Please help me understand. Thanks!
  15. H

    Northeast Regional discussion 2022-2024 H1

    Thanks. I thought it had something to do with safety. Was this a result of fatal accidents on the NEC?