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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. J

    Trip planning questions (Capitol Limited and Cardinal)?

    5000 for sleeper, 5009 for bag/dorm on EB Cardinal. When I took this train on 11/9, it was a V1 sleeper.
  2. J

    Serious Amtrak mishandling of passengers

    I never understood the gate concept anyway. Post a track 20-25 minutes in advance, passengers board train, done. Simple. Why herd people like cattle? Ostensibly the idea is to check tickets prior to boarding to make sure people are on the correct train, but this isn’t even done in most cases anyway.
  3. J

    November 40% Flash Sale

    Not to pry, but I’m wondering how much you paid per ticket and what your city pairs are? I know this is none of my business, but typically these sales don’t apply to Acela first. The lowest price is typically $253 from New York to Boston and this seems to be the case checking some random...
  4. J

    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H2

    You are correct, I shouldn’t be so presumptuous. After all, even though I noticed her sitting in the cafe for several hours, taking up an entire table, listening to music (sometimes at volume) and also barking at me to “ask your sleeping car attendant” when I asked her a simple question which...
  5. J

    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H2

    I am on the eastbound Cardinal. The state on onboard service is, sporadic, to put it kindly. So, I received two dinners; one last night and one just now. The SCA advised me I was only entitled to 1 alcoholic beverage for the entire trip. Is this correct? As an aside, the passenger next to me...
  6. J

    Acela discussion

    On Acelas departing Was, Nyp, or Bos at 10:00am, does the passenger in FC have the option of breakfast or lunch? Can they choose to eat later in the trip (provided the crew still has time to serve it and clean up?)
  7. J

    Northeast Regional discussion H2 2024-2025

    Does anyone know if breakfast or lunch is served in FC on Acelas leaving at 10:00a from WAS, NYP or BOS? 10:00 is still breakfast, but a person boarding down the line would probably be wanting lunch.
  8. J

    Ethan Allen Car Order

    Good evening, trying to determine which way the Ethan Allen is made up. Does it get wyed in Burlington? I know for sure that the train changes direction in Rutland and is NOT wyed. If it’s also not wyed in Burlington, that would mean no way to tell if the cafe is in front or back. Is the cafe...
  9. J

    Does Amtrak overbook?

    Any experience with overbooking on Midwest trains or Empire Service? These trains are all reserved and have smaller consists, and less (or no) lounge space for overflow.
  10. J

    Does Amtrak overbook?

    I am confused by this. Your post would indicate that Amtrak does indeed sell more tickets than seats, unless they consider the cafe car a seat.
  11. J

    Does Amtrak overbook?

    There was a post for this many years ago, but I was wondering if anyone has recent experience with Amtrak overbooking, specifically in coach. What about the 1/2 BC cars used on Midwest, Empire, Downeaster, etc?. I am taking a trip next weekend (Columbus Day) and am boarding “up the line” and...
  12. J

    Combining points and cash

    Has anyone experienced trying to change room numbers after booking online with cash and points? I just called and was told no way; however, this also sometimes happens even when you use 100 percent points, and you get the “wrong” person on the phone; they try to sell you a room at the higher...
  13. J

    Cardinal discussion

    Does anyone know if the new FD menu is also on the Cardinal? It looks like a step up from the old choices. According to The Crescent’s thread, the menu just took effect. As always though, how it’s prepped makes the difference…
  14. J

    Brightline Trains Florida discussion 2024

    I am going to post a trip report of my Orlando- West Palm R/T on August 25, but for the record my trip down was the fully wrapped Orlando train, and the trip back had partially covered swirly things on some of the windows (and of course my window was one of them!) Again, will post a trip report...
  15. J

    Berkshire Flyer question

    I’m not sure this would be the case in Empire Serviced BC- since it uses the half cafe/half BC type coach. I would guess that all the seats face backwards for part of the trip ( hopefully the Pittsfield to Alb) portion, we will see.