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  1. M

    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H2

    Does anyone have pictures showing flex plus dining on the Crescent?
  2. M

    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H1

    I hope you will have an opportunity to give us an update on your return trip on the Crescent
  3. M

    Amtrak Metropolitan Lounges

    We were in the Chicago lounge Tuesday around 11:00 am and the cash bar was set up in the area under the stairs. Nice bar tender. Stopped in the Washington lounge Wednesday to check out the refresh. Nice assortment of snacks available and the coffee machine was wonderful!! Refrigerator full of...
  4. M

    Cardinal from CHI to CVS

    Thanks for your trip report on the Cardinal. Looking forward to my first trip on train 50 next month.
  5. M

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    The description says “meals not included”.
  6. M

    Lake Shore Limited discussion

    Thanks for sharing this information. Congratulations to Karen for a job well done. It really is just about those little things that make a great impression and enjoyable trip.
  7. M

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    The door facing the coaches was the one used for serving coach passengers.
  8. M

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    I was only in there for dinner, during which they reopened the 'cafe' to serve coach passengers from the kitchen door. I saw no coach passengers come to the seating area of the diner.
  9. M

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    I was on the Crescent 19 (23) with the VL2 Diner. When I boarded the train in WAS, I was so excited to see the diner that I didn’t realize there was no cafe car. When I asked the SCA she replied that there was an equipment shortage and they would have to run the cafe out of the diner. It...
  10. M

    Room number on app?

    I just booked a trip on the Crescent and the car and room number are visible when viewing my trip in the app! This will make boarding so much easier since I will not have to have the paper copy to remember my car number.
  11. M

    Crescent Configuration

    Just returned from a trip on the Crescent. There were two coach cars followed by a cafe car, two sleepers, and a bag dorm. I boarded from the Moynihan Train Hall and the train started its run with only one sleeping car attendant, the second attendant did not board until Baltimore. The...
  12. M

    First time on Acela NYP-BOS round trip

    Thank you for your report and pictures! What were the food options in the Metropolitan Lounge at South Station?
  13. M

    Crescent Configuration

    Traveling south on the Crescent in a few days and I’m booked in the 11 car, so that would indicate two sleepers.
  14. M

    Crescent Configuration

    Thank you for the information.
  15. M

    Crescent Configuration

    What is the current Crescent configuration? Are the sleepers at the front or rear of the train? Thanks