There are a lot of condos being built in and around downtown TC. My guess is most of them will be used as vacation rentals, as that has been the trend. A train station could be within walking distance of the condos, restaurants, beaches, and other attractions--which is great. But even for...
There may be a limited number of coach passengers opting for dining car meals if all they know is that it's $25 or $45 or whatever. Unless they look at a menu to see what the choices are, they'll just be thinking about the cost. A lot of people bring food, and won't bother to search for a menu...
Are the requirements to discontinue a route so laborious that they'd rather keep it just "suspended" for 17 years than actually put an end to it? They killed off the Three Rivers just a few years before and that didn't seem to cause them too much effort. Or have they just kind of forgotten...
This video on You Tube shows a train with a small business class section that has lie-flat seats. (I think you can lie flat on them.It never actually shows anybody using them.). That section starts at 1:50 into the video.
Hong Kong to Beijing by High-Speed Train
As others have said, this type of proposal has happened plenty of times in the past. This time, killing off the system probably has a bit of a politically-bent, since the president's nickname literally includes the word Amtrak.
Good point. This might be expecting a lot out of Amtrak, but since we're kind of just theorizing here--perhaps a passenger could place the order ahead of time on their phone and put their credit card in, and it would just put a hold for a specified amount. Then if they actually had the meal...
These Russian sleeper designs seem okay to me, but I can see why a lot of folks in North America wouldn't go for it--especially if you were always stuck up in the higher bunk.
It seems like all sleeper discussions on AU revert back to a "Bring Back Slumbercoaches" vs. "Import Airline-style...
Wow--never saw that before. Not as good as a full SSL car, but it kind of makes sense for shorter routes, and definitely beats no food service at all. Thanks for sharing.
So, I'm kind of curious about the Superliner Coach with a snack bar downstairs. Is than an official thing, or was it like a coach-baggage car with a makeshift snack bar set up?
Haven't seen the ads on Tubi, but it sounds like the TV ads that run every day on the morning news on NBC 5 in Chicago. They're 10-second spots, I think.