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  1. O

    Texas Eagle Discussion 2025

    Having had flex on multiple occasions, I am shocked to hear that someone finds Lunchables or a gas station burrito (barf!) better. To each his own, but also, wow! Flex is by no means what it should be, and I support traditional dining + improving food in general, but I really don't think it's...
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    Should Amtrak be privatized?

    To your comment and Rasputin's above: I think one thing could happen in this scenario is that they'd sell everything at a fire-sale price, but have an under-the-table understanding (and don't think this can't happen--they are trying to abolish the entire Department of Education without...
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    FRA Long Distance Service Study discussion

    As someone originally from far southwest Minnesota (which is, especially these days, is more tied to Sioux Falls & SD economically, culturally, and politically) I can understand why SoDak wants Amtrak service, and I support the general idea. However, the route from the FRA study they're glomming...
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    Amtrak Initiates RFQ process for Texas High Speed Rail

    I think that there's a small chance they do--at least in relation to private companies like Brightline. I could see this Texas project moving forward in some weird way, like if Duffy & the Trump Admin. insisted that Brightline (can't think of any other "real" private rail operator in the U.S...
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    Viewliner I and II discussion

    I can't say I've experienced abnormal wear and tear in the 2 or 3 times I've been in a VL2. Now, you could definitely tell the interior surfaces hadn't been cleaned and maintained well--classic Amtrak--but nothing was broken in any way. In contrast, the empty VL1 rooms Iooked threadbare and even...
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    California HSR

    Thank you very much, will use without your name. Yes, so many good points in this thread. Thanks to all for the education!
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    California HSR

    Neil, this is the best and most succinct analysis I've ever read of what actually has caused the 'cost overruns' on CAHSR. By far! Would you possibly be ok with me saving this explanation and possibly sharing the text or parts of the text of your response in the future? It would be very helpful...
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    St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago Corridor service H2 2024 - 2025

    Everything we know points to it being a one-off exception! Haven't heard anything from MN advocates or state staff about using it more. Plus, there's such a shortage of Superliners for long-distance services as it is that it would be a departure from everything I've ever read about Amtrak's...
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    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    That's too bad. Our post-DC attendant on the Thanksgiving week Floridian trip wasn't quite that bad (though very brusque), but in having taken the Star/Floridian in a roomette twice, the Star a number of times in coach, and the Cap once in a roomette, I feel confident in saying that the...
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    Superliner trains' removal and restoration of cars 2024-2025

    I believe they are referring to what was at least originally labeled as the "women's lounge" or some such, which are/were meant for changing/getting ready and irrc have a sink and bathroom stall inside them, in addition to the counter/mirror and maybe somewhere to sit + general changing space.
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    Superliner trains' removal and restoration of cars 2024-2025

    I once experienced Superliner coach bathroom where the sink basin was detaching from the top of the counter, with horribly failing adhesive, such that water was splashing out of the sink and down into the pipe/mechanical cabinet below--and when the train rocked and rolled, the water literally...
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    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Which is what I thought, but I was going to go to do this + check out the cafe car and the dining car employee stopped me when I was walking through to ask where I was going (very annoying; she guarded passage through that car like it was checkpoint Charlie). I was taken aback and so said the...
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    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    I didn't try to venture into coach since we were in a roomette (and frankly didn't want to be yelled at by anyone for going somewhere I 'wasn't supposed to') so I don't have a great sense of coach. We did get off at Washington during the break and it looked like a large percentage of coach...
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    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Yep, my girlfriend and I were on this train and it was somewhat maddening (and tragic for the people involved + their families), because we were behind not only the one, but a second trespasser incident north of Rockville, MD. That one had happened over an hour before we arrived in the area and...