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  1. P

    Ohio finally starts the process for new Amtrak service

    With multiple people traveling I'm stopping almost hourly for someone to use the restroom anyways. I'd take a train all the time if it was available.
  2. P

    Ideas for future trains between Florida and Midwest

    Seymour-Louisville is 49mph freight, and was upgraded with the intent to increase capacity to 15 or so trains/day. We see nowhere near that, max I've seen is maybe 8. The Indianapolis-Seymour section was improved as well, but last I knew the Flat rock bridge needed improvements before it could...
  3. P

    Preferred connection time between Long Distance (LD) trains

    Depends on if we miss meal times. CIN-KIS via Cardinal/Bus/Silver Meteor meant missing dinner on the train, so we needed time to get food during the layover. Return trip sleeper attendant made sure we got breakfast before WAS, but it wasn't much time to eat. 3.5hrs was enough for a quick bite to...
  4. P

    Ideas for future trains between Florida and Midwest

    I know the LIRC track was improved back in 2018 to support freight going 49mph max, up from 25mph. Wish there was an easy way to find speed limits 😆
  5. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    They are also supposed to restore daily Cardinal. Been hearing rumors for I don't know how long about route that would come through Louisville. At this point it seems like we're just throwing money at research with no physical results to achieve these.
  6. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    When comparing prices for our first trip to DC the CL sleeper fares definitely deterred me from the route. Ended up on the Cardinal for 2k less (5ppl) after monitoring for a month.
  7. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    At least there's more head room in the sleepers. Superliners seem pretty tight on the top bunks.
  8. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Was comparing June dates from Indy or Orlando (Via Card, bus, SM) vs going to Chicago and riding Floridian. Some dates are much cheaper to head up to Chicago, it would add 10hrs travel including Layover in Chicago. Reverse is the same: sporadic dates cheaper to do one vs the other. Add in 2...
  9. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Was kinda hoping they would have connected Card & SM in DC with daily service (is that even possible physically?). I just want to take a long trip without connections and buses. Lol But since the intention included getting Superliners west, not gonna happen. Yes
  10. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Always figured they were accounting for the chance of someone boarding at the same location. Less distance, maybe means less chance they will get additional revenue?
  11. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    I'm using full route costs of each. Going by lowest fare buckets for Silver Star full route posted in July, cheapest Roomette comes in at 37 cents/mile Capitol Limited comes in at 73 cents/mile (the highest of all LD routes). So far the cheapest roomette I can find for Floridian is $734, at 39...
  12. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    The route doesn't really save much time if going CHI-MIA, up until Savannah GA it arrives 81ish minutes before the Silver Star originally did. After that it decreases to a whole 26 minutes early in MIA. I haven't looked into return
  13. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    And looks like Traditional dining the entire way?
  14. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Apparently less expensive. I noticed that cost/mile decreases
  15. P

    New train (40-41 Floridian) between Miami and Chicago via Washington DC

    Being stuck with IND or CIN as home station, the Star isn't even a given option.