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  1. Qapla

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    Two of the Floridian trains on the map are numbered 1040 and 1041 while the other two are still 40 and 41
  2. Qapla

    Should Amtrak be privatized?

    Seems all the news outlets are reporting this
  3. Qapla

    Why is Amtrak booming in North Carolina?

    Nice video outlining rail service in North Carolina and why it is a bit unique ... and its connection with Amtrak
  4. Qapla

    Lunatrain: the Nightjet of North America?

    I thought this was cute ... not sure how well it would go over in the US
  5. Qapla

    When will Amtrak start using reserved seating?

    One of the reasons for conductor assigned seats at boarding time is due the fact that a number of the intermediate stops have limited platforms and the train, while stopped, is blocking the roadway and only one or two cars have the doors open. Therefore, the conductor tries to get disembarking...
  6. Qapla

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    Have a good trip. I see what you are saying about the cost. The 15th train is sold out, but the prices for the next day are: At that price difference and only a 15-hour trip, I'm afraid I would have to ride coach ...
  7. Qapla

    When will Amtrak start using reserved seating?

    When riding both of the Silvers, though they didn't have customer selected reserved seating - I was always directed to a seat number as I was boarding ... I was never told to just go find a seat.
  8. Qapla

    Is the Dallas-Miami proposal a real thing?

    It Dallas to Miami "possible" ... sure - is it "probable" ... No!
  9. Qapla

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    Since, if I do get to go, I will be traveling on a very tight budget, I will most likely BMOFAD
  10. Qapla

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    If I get to take my trip, I will take the Floridian from Ohio to Florida ... in coach. I just can't justify the $818 difference in price, and that is with the senior discount. Of course, my plan is to use the Rail Pass and that will help make my whole trip affordable
  11. Qapla

    Will the end of Canada's de minimis exemption require customs declarations on the Adirondack and Maple Leaf?

    Do you mean they ship by the truckload/trainload or they will now have to pay tariffs in the truckload/trainload amount of cash needed just to cross
  12. Qapla

    Fare Buckets discussion 2025

    While I can't give a number, I know many who never really gave Amtrak a thought as a way to travel comment on how nice riding a train would be - that it was something they didn't know was still available. However, when they see the prices for a sleeper, they then drop back to, "I can take a...
  13. Qapla

    Fare Buckets discussion 2025

    As a senior, I no longer have the desire to drive from Florida to NYC or Chicago and I don't fly - however, as a senior I am also on a semi-fixed income and can't justify a fare that is 4.7-9.4 times that of a coach ticket - until room prices come down, I'll ride coach or not go at all.
  14. Qapla

    Train 40-41 Floridian Miami - Chicago via Washington DC 2025

    Finally, a day with some on time Floridians Of course, there are also a couple of late ones, too
  15. Qapla

    Brightline Trains Florida discussion 2025

    It would be nice if they could/would add the JAX extension sooner. Just from first glance, it doesn't seem like there would be near as much track building and/or upgrading to do this. Of course, it would also be nice if they could have two routes to JAX, the one Amtrak now uses and the one...