Recent content by Richard Hill

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. Richard Hill

    Checked Baggage (luggage) discussion

    I think Forrest Gump also said, "stupid is as stupid does". Forrest must have made a few journeys on Amtrak. Looking at the photo of MARC Rider, if the luggage storage compartment is chock-full maybe you could stick your bag under your single seat. Or, with double seats, to the seat next to...
  2. Richard Hill

    Checked Baggage (luggage) discussion

    I plan on a trip, this summer, on the Amtrak Cascades. Portland, OR to Seattle, WA. The next day, from Seattle to Mt. Vernon, WA where I will detrain. I believe Cascade passengers can check baggage from Portland to Seattle, but not from Seattle to Mt. Vernon. I will have just 1 bag, within...
  3. Richard Hill

    FRA Long Distance Service Study discussion

    A new push to bring Amtrak to South Dakota: Denver to Minneapolis by way of Rapid City, Pierre, and Sioux Falls. Best of all, Wall Drug is only about an hour drive from Rapid City.
  4. Richard Hill

    Seattle, WA

    I will be taking the Cascade trains, this summer, in both Oregon and Washington. The trip will mainly be just for enjoying the scenery, along the way, and because I haven't taken a Cascade train in over 20 years. Thanks for the info regarding the Overlook Walk in Seattle. I will try to...
  5. Richard Hill

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    If Dreamstar is a success, I wonder if it will motivate other new overnight trains in the US. Looking at the map, the Lunatrain would run a number of long distance routes. For example, Chicago to Dallas or Chicago to Denver. For those routes, with a fair amount of day...
  6. Richard Hill

    Taking Amtrak to Annual Festivals and Fairs

    You could take the Zephyr to Fraser-Winter Park Colorado then somehow get to Estes Park for the "Frozen Dead Guy Days" festival.
  7. Richard Hill

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    Something I have thought about with regard to many Amtrak routes, especially long distance routes. As part of the booking process one could specify food choices desired for each meal. You would need a cold storage area, on the train, and an efficient means to heat up the food before serving.
  8. Richard Hill

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    Dreamstar will have a lounge car, but I don't know if the lounge car will be open overnight.
  9. Richard Hill

    Empire Builder discussion 2025

    I am bewildered when Amtrak says "we apologize for ANY inconvenience". When the train (28) doesn't depart, at all, on a given day I'll bet it it would be inconvenient. It seems the Empire Builder has a problem with cancellations and with horrible on- time performance regardless of what time...
  10. Richard Hill

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    A recent TRAINS magazine article: According to the article: "Accommodations would include standard class, which the company compares to first class on an international flight, and three types of rooms with a private bathroom and shower: bedrooms, sleeping two; suites...
  11. Richard Hill

    Empire Builder discussion 2025

    My westbound Empire Builder train, this past summer, was 3 hours late into Montana. I have to wonder why the Great Northern Empire Builder, in the old days, didn't have such frequent slow-downs and cancellations. Here is one opinion: From the article; "In a nutshell, the...
  12. Richard Hill

    AMTRAK and Real IDs

    It's suggested that 61% to 70% of airplane travelers will have Real ID by May 7. TSA says passengers may use an accepted alternative to Real ID until the absolute deadline of May 5, 2027. Real ID was supposed to go into effect in 2020.
  13. Richard Hill

    AMTRAK and Real IDs

    Real ID will be necessary, in the US, after May 7, 2025 for all domestic airline flights. It was suppose to happen in Oct. of 2020, but COVID an bureaucratic lethargy caused the deadline to be rescheduled. I can't help wondering if Amtrak will also, eventually, require...