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  1. R

    Midwest Venture discussion 2023 Q3 -2024

    Apologies if this was addressed in a previous comment I missed - does anyone know if the Venture business class cars are in service as the business class car on the Wolverine? I have a trip upcoming DET-CHI on 7/24. Thanks for anyone who can provide insight.
  2. R

    Airline food vs. Amtrak's flex

    Using Empire Service as an example, there's a significant dwell time at Albany. While it would take some technological preparation, it wouldn't be that challenging to choose 1-3 area restaurants offering carryout that could be delivered to the Albany station. Presumably, restaurants would...
  3. R

    Airline food vs. Amtrak's flex

    It's worth noting European trains are highly subsidized, but small snacks and beverages for overnight discount multi-berth sleeper passengers seems pretty standard. My biggest complaint with the cafe food is its nutritional value, or the fact it is devoid of any. On a December trip on Empire...
  4. R

    Lake Shore Limited discussion 2023 Q4 - 2025

    Sit on the left side if you can. You'll get views of the Hudson River to Albany, and if the weather allows, sunset views of the Mohawk River after departing Albany. There's not much to see nature-wise in the morning before arrival into Chicago.
  5. R

    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement RFP discussion H1 2024

    The display screens for passenger/conductor info sounds like great technological improvements. Not to be Mr. Negative, but the Siemens Venture Midwest cars also have digital display boards in the coaches. I have yet to see them actually in use (in fairness, this is an anecdotal sample).
  6. R

    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement RFP discussion H1 2024

    The premium coach and solo suite options definitely meet gaps in Amtrak's offerings. Excited to see how this proceeds.
  7. R

    St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago (TCMC) second daily service

    I understand the historical reference, but there already is an Amtrak service named "Hiawatha." For folks who are not Amtrak buffs or regular riders, I don't think having multiple services named Hiawatha would be of good use. Although there have been solid improvements, Amtrak's signage and...
  8. R

    Northeast Regional discussion 2022-2024 H1

    Without being too cynical, it would be really interesting to learn where the equipment is coming from for added daily departures (if that ever actually happens).
  9. R

    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement discussion (2022 - 2024Q1)

    According to Amtrak's initial ADA-compliant design ideas, only particular parts of a long distance train are proposed to have wheelchair-wide aisles, and those sections have 1x2 seating (which may be coach, "business class" or something else). As always, design renderings are not final.
  10. R

    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement discussion (2022 - 2024Q1)

    For the single-level fleet, are there any manufacturers that currently produce oblong, airplane tube-shaped rail cars? For the bi-level fleet, are there any manufacturers that currently produce rail cars with second-level gangways and mid-car staircases, as opposed to end doors and gangways at...
  11. R

    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement discussion (2022 - 2024Q1)

    Thank you for saying this. I'm in no way an expert on railcar procurement, but I am baffled by the desire to simply replicate Amfleet, Viewliner and Superliner cars for a future order. The rest of the world has moved on! This reminds me of Metra's (Chicago) RFP for essentially an exact...
  12. R


    I traveled from Chicago to Washington on Southwest Airlines to start my trip for the Christmas/New Years holidays, as booking coach on the Capitol Limited is a fool's errand if you're not drastically far in advance. Tickets were nearly twice the cost of my flight when I booked it (got a good...
  13. R

    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement discussion (2022 - 2024Q1)

    Seats are something tangible we can debate, but I don't think that should be a limiting factor to comfort. Having ridden in the Illinois Venture cars, I found the seats to be generally fine - not great, not terrible - but far more important, the smooth and quiet ride of the cars is a huge...
  14. R

    Tracking FY 2024-25 Ridership and Finances

    For the Lake Shore Limited, I think part of its decline may be the gradual settling of airfares from post-COVID peaks. My most frequent LSL trip is CHI-ROC. Airfares were frequently $400+ for a while but have settled into the $250-300 range.
  15. R

    200MPH+ on the NEC: Is it practical?

    I don't know if this happens on the NEC, but a good example of this is on the Lake Shore Limited, especially when it runs with five coach cars. Passengers are informed they can "only exit where a uniformed Amtrak employee is present." It's up to you as a passenger to figure out where this is...