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  1. T

    TriMet WES Commuter Rail Fleet Discussions

    Running on weekends would be great, but they probably would want more than the morning/evening commute-type schedule if they want to serve people wanting excursions, etc. I wonder how many trains a day they would run all the way to Eugene? They don't say how soon they expect to make these...
  2. T

    Ship crash off UK coast

    16 knots could be their cruise speed, it's 18.4 mph or amost 30 km/h. I doubt a cargo ship can go a whole lot faster than that, although I know some ships can go about twice that speed. I think some ships routinely cruise under 10 knots.
  3. T

    Dining room meals on the Zephyr, Denver to Chicago

    Which train will you be riding?
  4. T

    Intercity Bus Timetables

    It might be too much to have Amtrak link the schedules but if they at least had information or links about what is available. They do have a link from the Denver station decription for the Winter Park Express. There are so many options from Denver, for...
  5. T

    Intercity Bus Timetables

    It would be great if a directory of all surface transportation was available. I guess Amtrak could help by having more timetables. Even links to local transport would be helpful, as there probably isn't much information available except what's on the web.
  6. T

    Intercity Bus Timetables

    I've found that travel search engines omit Bustang routes.
  7. T

    Utah's big 2034 Winter Olympics transit expansion

    Very interesting video, especially when they mention that if only a small percentage of the annual visitors to Moab used the train it could amount to hundreds of round trips per day. I liked the graphics and the overview of the route, especially the stretch along Hwy 6 and the proposed Moab...
  8. T

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    Here's what GM says about the system... If your vehicle has this available feature, Reverse Automatic alerts you and/or automatically provides hard...
  9. T

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    Maybe the driver of the SUV wanted to remain at the scene of the first collision after being rear-ended by the truck. It should have driven through the crossing and waited on the other side.
  10. T

    UTA Frontrunner 02-04-25 Layton accident

    I think there might be auto-braking in reverse on some vehicles, but this car could have easily pulled forward. After all, they had already passed the gates. ?
  11. T

    Thruway Connecting Services (TCS)

    Can you route a trip with decent connections, etc? It would be good to see how that works. What is busbud?
  12. T

    Discussion about airports and approaches

    Once, on a return from a short trip, my Dad and I almost put down at the Fairfax airport. We were having trouble with the Navcom, (only one out of three worked) and the trim tabs for the elevator were all messed up. When we touched down (on the right runway at Downtown_) we collapsed one of the...
  13. T

    New York to San Francisco, or the other way around?

    It's a really great deal if you get in on the $299 super sale. It ran in Jan this year. You have to book each little trip just like you were paying even though you have the pass. It isn't a 'walkon' and ride deal. I did it once, it was a lot of fun.
  14. T

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    I was looking at his web site and it claims the Budd Company cars are virtually indestructible, 110 mph capable, Amtrak certified. But I found a notice that the delivery takes 12-18 months, so the claim is kind of 'premature'. They are for the "Daylight Coast" so no sleeper cars. I guess if...
  15. T

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    I wonder how many of these cars they have? They say on the web site they have 'zero age' -- so they are completely restored.