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  1. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    I added some more common sense rules to make this more intuitive. The prompt only shows when it isn't obvious from the fare class you have selected if you want bedrooms and/or family rooms included in your search. There is also now a "Don't ask me again" checkbox in the dialog (also accessible...
  2. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    I think the train adds some whimsy to the experience, but I can see how it can be distracting. I added a "Search animations" toggle, which when unchecked disables the train and the spinning number animations.
  3. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    Hey all, I thought I'd check up on this thread as I just pushed the first major update to the site since we launched v2 last month. I apologize for the issues some of you were facing--you're correct in pointing out we had a bug with single-day searches which should now be resolved. Amtrak has...
  4. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    You'll see a 401 error if your request is rejected by reCAPTCHA, I've noticed this can be an issue if you've left the page idle and return after some time but from my experience can always be fixed by reloading the page. We've received a ton of feature requests and bugs to fix, I'll add this to...
  5. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    There's always room for improvement! I think on occasion I have seen an accessible room pop up in the private rooms section without having to submit any form, assuming its listed like a roomette/bedroom/family room I could add that functionality relatively easily. I just don't know much about it...
  6. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    Just pushed the feature update! Now you can filter by route for station pairs served by multiple routes, filter by time of day, enter traveler information like quantity and type, search for Auto Train fares, and some other UI/efficiency improvements. I tried to test as many edge cases as I could...
  7. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    I appreciate the support! I started working on the next major update to the site last night and should be done by the end of the day, so far I have added a "Travelers" menu where you can select between 1-8 adults/seniors, got Auto Train working, and made some back-end tweaks that should make the...
  8. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    Just pushed an update that fixes the family room issue, Amtrak seems to have renamed family bedrooms as family rooms across their site so I updated any references to the old name in my code.
  9. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    That's a clever way to get around the CAPTCHA, using a VPN is the same in principle to using a proxy like I do in that it masks the true IP address of the server. I think there's more to the CAPTCHA algorithm than just tracking cookies, as countless times in the past when I would get blocked I...
  10. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    That feature was actually the cause of the most recent outage, I hadn't set a maximum number of entries in the JSON file that stored all the searches and eventually there got to be so many (1000+) that it caused the server to fail when trying to send them to the client. I'll probably cap that...
  11. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    Oh right I forgot Autotrain isn't working when I tried to fix that last time I was having issues with it using its own separate page, I'll add that to the list of things I'll try to fix with the next update. Regarding trains like the Cardinal that operate less frequently than once a day, how...
  12. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    Oh I definitely did! Resolving that and every other way the reCAPTCHA API flags suspicious activity was the bulk of the time and energy I put into this project. Rather than summarize again what I did to resolve this I'll just quote myself from the about page on my site: "This website exploits...
  13. tikkisean

    Rail for Less: a fare checking site

    Hey all, I run! I came across this thread some time ago when traffic spiked on the site and again more recently with the new discussion these past few days. I appreciate the feedback left here and on the site's feedback form, I've learned a lot about how I can improve this...