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  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to trainman74's post in the thread Metrolink passes with Like Like.
    Found this photo of an L.A. Metro turnstile: The area where it's glowing red is a scanner that's supposed to be able to read the QR...
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to Cal's post in the thread Metrolink passes with Like Like.
    I have the Student Adventure Pass and I love using it! The past few months I've hopped around SoCal a lot on it, all for free, and have...
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to zephyr17's post in the thread Turkey Dinner in the Dining Car with Like Like.
    28 still serves the boxed cold dinners out of Portland. They were pretty good when last I rode the Portland section in 2019, far...
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 replied to the thread Metrolink passes.
    There are two programs that allow some interchangeability between Metrolink and Pacific Surfliner: Rail 2 Rail® ...
  • TinCan782
    Having been on #28 (2016), the dinner meals they served were "boxed" (NOT Flex) and were pretty decent. There were several to choose...
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to pennyk's post in the thread Turkey Dinner in the Dining Car with Like Like.
    Amtrak has not had turkey dinners for years, I believe well before flex dining.
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to Dan O's post in the thread Metrolink passes with Like Like.
    So right before they expired I took my adult nephew to downtown LA. Visited Union Station, City Hall (went to the 27th floor observation...
  • TinCan782
    For those unfamiliar with railroad communications here is a primer on what is being said and what it means.
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 replied to the thread Hotels New Orleans.
    I've stayed at the Holiday Inn New Orleans-Downtown Superdome at 330 Loyola Avenue. A little further away than the Hyatt Regency.
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 replied to the thread Pacific Surfliner.
    Transportation Agencies Applaud State Leadership on Long-Term Coastal Rail Study "This critical transportation corridor, which serves...
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to zephyr17's post in the thread Pacific Surfliner with Like Like.
    The freight trains were getting through the San Clemente slide zone, though very slowly, while the Surfliners and Metrolink Oceanside...
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to west point's post in the thread Pacific Surfliner with Like Like.
    Since this route is considered a critical national military route maybe the Navy can put extra pressure for completion?
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 replied to the thread Pacific Surfliner.
    Metrolink operating contract: https://www.amtraktrains.com/threads/amtrak-expected-to-lose-metrolink-operating-contract.88088/
  • TinCan782
    TinCan782 reacted to zephyr17's post in the thread Pacific Surfliner with Like Like.
    Yes. As of the PRIIA Act of 2008 which amended the original Rail Passenger Act of 1970. This is the way things have worked for the last...
  • TinCan782
    Doesn’t matter, it’s several hundred miles of rare mainline mileage!😉 During my epic attempt in 1970-1971 to ride as many routes that...