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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. T

    Southwest Chief discussion Q4 2023 - 2024

    It always has been for me, too. I used to arrive early and wander around as much of the station as I could. I hope to be able to do that again one of these eons. Thanks for the tip. I knew one could get carried off in a cart. I just didn't know how to arrange it.
  2. T

    Southwest Chief discussion Q4 2023 - 2024

    It's been awhile since I took the SWC from LAX. How soon before scheduled depature do they power up the sleeper cars? I'm currently on the disabled list and don't want to hobble out there only to hobble out and back again.
  3. T

    Scanners, Radio and other such tech inquiries

    Being a ham with a technician's license and thus a handheld with only the two bands, do Amtrak's frequencies fall into 2 meter or 70cm?
  4. T

    Amtrak Alerts and Notices

    I still use mine for my original purpose. When someone quotes a series of replies, I want to be able to read all the replies. Gives me more complete context.
  5. T

    Amtrak Alerts and Notices

    TANSTAAFL Someone has to pay. And access has never been free. Right now, my free-to-me is paid by advertising. (Yes, this makes me a product.) Rarely I convert free to paid. X-Twitter wasn't very high up on the list of "willing to pay for" services and is rapidly sliding down. My issue with Mr...
  6. T

    Crescent discussion

    Unfortunately, freight has more often won disputes with Amtrak over right-of-way and on time issues. The federal agency that settles disputes between Amtrak and freight (STB?) needs to grow a pair and enforce the requirements of the federal Act that created Amtrak. A(n unintended?) consequence...
  7. T

    Southwest Chief discussion

    Since many Amtrak stations are open platforms, with or without shelter, there is no current method preventing anyone from carrying onto a train anything that can fit in luggage. Some years back, some bright person* decided my local Amtrak station building needed to have TSA personnel...
  8. T

    Booking online on Amtrak website

    This was years before that policy was fully implemented. Now, I'd change it via my phone at the earliest point I knew we weren't going to make it.
  9. T

    Booking online on Amtrak website

    Greensboro to Tampa crazy options. Since there aren't any discounts for booking multiple trains, I have been known to book each piece separately. Some years back, I was travelling Los Angeles via Albuquerque to grab friends as we went thru, ultimately to Raleigh. Because the Chi to DC piece...
  10. T

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    I love ny phone. It's my library, my calendar, my prosthetic memory. But IF my phone cooperates and scans the QR code correctly or at all, IF my fat fingers cooperate in poking the right places on the screen, IF my senior eyeballs can read the font size or IF increasing the font size doesn't...
  11. T

    Terrifying moment after plane door opens mid-air

    Not selling seats near an emergency exit only means a person of questionable stability has to walk a little farther to do something stupid and/or damaging. I'm not one of those "you can't stop them so why bother" people. They can be stopped, or slowed down, but not selling those seats isn't how...
  12. T

    Why don't more "High Profile" people ride the train?

    "Before a 'high profile' person can attention... Amtrak has to provide..." "Too many regions and towns are underserved by trains." It's a bit of a catch-22: to expand there must be interest; to have interest there must be expansion. Having those existing high profile Amtrak riders let...
  13. T

    Why don't more "High Profile" people ride the train?

    A high profile person calls attention to whatever they espouse because they are high profile. Because "Hey, So-and-so rides Amtrak. Why don't we try it?" is an effective ad for train travel. But as others on this thread have pointed out, high profile people who ride Amtrak don't advertise it...
  14. T

    Narrow escape from car hit by train

    You see people do dumb sh...stuff like that and think, you're going to regret that behavior some day. I was delighted to see "some day" happen right in front of me, with no severe damage or fatal consequences.
  15. T

    Why don't more "High Profile" people ride the train?

    If Nicole Kidman wore no makeup, slightly scruffy clothes, and talked with her native accent, she'd easily fall into the "if she..., she'd look just like Nicole Kidman." Nicole Kidman the actress talks with an upscale Brit or American accent. Nicole Kidman herself has a delightful Aussie accent...