One dead and 71 injured in long haul flight from London to Singapore

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NO! Odds are same no matter what carrier and on what route!
I think typically when this type of thing happens is that you get a counter-reaction with crews being more zealous in enforcing the rules, the seat-belt sign being switched on more defensively etc. So the odds of it happening again will probably be lower for a while, until the shock effect wears off and the incident is forgotten.
There's turbulence, and then there's turbulence where things (and people, if not strapped in) go flying around the cabin. Even when I'm buckled in, I freak out a bit in even light or moderate turbulence, though I know it's harmless. That's because I'm anticipating the big drop that never happens (at least, it hasn't happened to me yet.) I guess I could desensitize myself to the sensation of free fall by booking on flight on this: