Amtrak suspends NYC - BOS - July 6, 2024

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I was planning to take the star from Miami to Washington or New York. I was planning to allow a day, a Sunday, to take an Acela to Boston. I'm not sure what the plan b would be in such a situation. Worst case would be to rent a car or fly.
I have a friend in the company who said this is a stumper. No catenary problem, allegedly no substation problem. At least a few hours ago they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Usually it is fairly obvious.
I have a friend in the company who said this is a stumper. No catenary problem, allegedly no substation problem. At least a few hours ago they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Usually it is fairly obvious.
A tripped circuit breaker can usually be reset after it cools down AND as long as the source that tripped it is still
not in play !
If the outage was caused by a lightning strike the strike might have fused a not visible connection. There are locations in substations where a feeder wire might jump just a couple inches from one insulator to another. That might leave no visible indication that the wire was burned apparat.

That is the one way IMO that it took Amtrak so long to fix the problem. Now it could be that Amtrak gave all qualified electricians for the Hell Gate CAT off for a long July 4th weekend and then could not find a qualified person to trouble shoot the problem?