Trip Report: Brightline and the Silver Star.

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The extra sleeper was false news. I was standing on the platform next to the assistant conductor. I overheard discussion on his radio. The Boston sleeper had been sent out from Chicago with non working AC. The Boston yard sent it to New York Sunny Side to be repaired. There was a discussion about how Chicago said AC was working when it left. The someone even chimed in and said yeah right. The crew out of Albany was very frustrated by the entire process.

There must not have been a spare view liner in New York or a decision was made not to delay 49 by adding the sleeper. Or maybe they wanted to keep the silver service trains intact.

Definitely a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. And then both hands are playing pocket pool and nothing is done.
They never added the sleeper in New York.

I discovered a night in coach wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I was able to plug into my CPAP. My car was pretty full but the crew avoided sitting some next to me which helped. With 2 seats to myself I was able to find a position for sleeping. I don’t have any aches anyplace either. I slept Long enough to miss Buffalo, Eerie, Cleveland and Sandususky.

I went back and had breakfast in the diner. The table cloths and silverware are an improvement. The crew cooked the breakfast sandwich perfectly. And gave me an extra container of fruit loops. So an okay experience.

We left south bend on time. We might arrive early into Chicago.
Did they allow you to eat Dinner and Breakfast without charge in the Diner, which is usually the policy when one is downgraded from Sleeper to Coach ???

The extra sleeper was false news. I was standing on the platform next to the assistant conductor. I overheard discussion on his radio. The Boston sleeper had been sent out from Chicago with non working AC. The Boston yard sent it to New York Sunny Side to be repaired. There was a discussion about how Chicago said AC was working when it left. The someone even chimed in and said yeah right. The crew out of Albany was very frustrated by the entire process.

There must not have been a spare view liner in New York or a decision was made not to delay 49 by adding the sleeper. Or maybe they wanted to keep the silver service trains intact.

Definitely a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. And then both hands are playing pocket pool and nothing is done.
And meanwhile Viewliners are sitting in the yards collecting dust as Ammanagememt fiddles while Rome burns!🤪
Steve, did they actually add an extra Viewliner from New York as the SCA mentioned? Or was that false news?
That’s what I was thinking. The Boston people gave false hope to the displaced passengers to avoid more complaints, and get them out of their hair. Or maybe that’s what they were told, and was what was planned, but NY couldn’t get it done in time…🤷‍♂️
We flew to Orlando, took Brightline to West Palm Beach and enjoyed it a lot, later took the Star to DC and loved it, and now have gone from St. Louis to DC and back (TX Eagle and Capitol Limited with those wonderful coach seats to/from Chicago compared to the non-reclining, no-leg-rest Lincoln Service seats, and a bedroom to DC and Family Room from DC, the latter having much more floor space (especially when the beds were down) which was very nice. All trains were on time except the TX Eagle to Chicago ran late, but we appreciated the extra time on the morning we left and much less time waiting to board the CL in Chicago.
That’s what I was thinking. The Boston people gave false hope to the displaced passengers to avoid more complaints, and get them out of their hair. Or maybe that’s what they were told, and was what was planned, but NY couldn’t get it done in time…🤷‍♂️
This is exactly what happened. Though I believe the Boston people were sincere in there statements.
One thing that really disappointed me was the behavior of the conductor and assistant conductor and the sca on the Boston section. I overheard theM mocking a difficult passenger while I was ordering my lunch. I was sitting behind the passenger, and she was unpleasant. She was traveling from Worcester to Pittsfield in the sleeper. When she boarded she insisted on two seats to herself. One of the conductors( couldn’t tell which was the AC) made someone move so she could be accommodated.

Then they were picking on the African American lsa. She had been scolded the day before for the way complementary beverages were dispensed. So when I asked for a second coke she wanted to charge me.

I spoke to the female conductor or AC and she lectured me about only getting one complimentary alcoholic beverage. It took several iterations of my discussion of soda before she realized what was going on then she clarified her instructions to the LSa. The LSA was doing her best(she was new) but now I could see she was confused.

Later on overheard a white crew member telling her a passenger with no shoes had been in “ her cafe car”. I hadn’t seen any one like that, and I would because I think about crossing between the cars.

This kind of crap undermines customer service across the board.

I don’t really believe calling in and complaining would help the LSA.
I did call in and report the conductor and assistant conductor for their actions and praised the LSA. She even apologized on the platform in Chicago so I knew she really cared.

I did not get compensation. I noted that I was select executive and the agent told me downgrades are done in order of booking with most recent bookings getting downgraded first. That’s ridiculous imho.
I did call in and report the conductor and assistant conductor for their actions and praised the LSA. She even apologized on the platform in Chicago so I knew she really cared.

I did not get compensation. I noted that I was select executive and the agent told me downgrades are done in order of booking with most recent bookings getting downgraded first. That’s ridiculous imho.
Conductors out of Albany are an interesting bunch. Some are full of vinegar and spice.

The downgrading in the order of booking also includes any changes made to the ticket. I believe Penny had modified a ticket and then she got a coach seat after a sleeper was dropped. Even when the original booking was very far out.

Not sure they even try to accommodate any AGR passengers and just go with the cash ones first.
The downgrading in the order of booking also includes any changes made to the ticket. I believe Penny had modified a ticket and then she got a coach seat after a sleeper was dropped. Even when the original booking was very far out.

Not sure they even try to accommodate any AGR passengers and just go with the cash ones first.
Exactly, in 2022, I was downgraded on the SWC from bedroom E in first sleeper to coach (which was part of my cross country gathering trip). I had made the reservation 11 months out, but was modified by Amtrak due to a slight schedule change. I was Select Executive at the time (and had been at that status for many years). It took a few phone calls to determine what happened. To say the least, I was not happy. I canceled the entire trip and have not traveled cross country since then. Turns out, I would have most likely had to cancel anyway due to hurricane Ian.
Thanks for remembering Alan. :)