What should Amtrak change?

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Or could passengers bring their own toppers (probably sleeping bag-size, to fit the typical roomette bunk) as a DIY interim fix, the way some passengers bring their own pillows?
If you want to try that, I would recommend one of those self-inflating camping pads. When you roll them up and squeeze the air out they are a reasonable size, while a regular mattress topper would be pretty big to carry.
I know I can't sleep well without a decent memory foam, so that's what I would try.
The first item would be to put some "teeth" into the requirement that Amtrak trains have priority over freight trains on the contracted railroads. Stiff fines are needed and maybe, just maybe, they will get the message. Then would come faster running times, better and more reliable connections etc.

Second would be clean trains, inside and out, decent food service (dining cars on overnight trains) and better mattresses in sleeping cars (too hard people tell me). Also, realistic appropriations from the Congress (you know how to vote for this in November) for new long distance equipment, track upgrades and more. It can be done but it takes vision.
Actually from LA to Seattle Amtrak took them to federal court and now there is a court order to not do that. Coast Starlight runs pretty well. Of course the railroad stuff that happens to equipment still exists. In Illinois Senator Durbin investigated the dispatch center of Camadian National and proved a dispatcher intentional ran freights in front of Amtrak. The dispatcher and supervisor were fired. City of New Orleans was running 3 to 5 hrs late! But then about a year later it was happening again Once again Senator Durbin called for another meeting in Champaign IL. But railroad didn't show up. About 2 weeks later I was south of Champaign and there was a freight stopped on the Main with several people dressed in white inspecting every little bolt and wire. They sat on the main about 3 hours! Now the New ORLEANS runs really well. Guess they didn't like that? And remember it was done without going to court!!
The mattresses are fine. You’ll never make everyone happy.
I saw a few "self-inflating camping pads" on Amazon which included customer reviews indicating they had been purchased specifically for use on Amtrak. However, I think the hubby and I will do without such things for our Texas Eagle trip next month. Since we'll only be going southbound as far as Fort Worth, that will just mean 1 night in an Amtrak bedroom each way (with a night in a hotel room in-between), so we'll see how well we tolerate the Amtrak mattresses as-is, and use that experience to determine whether or not we'll want to add anything on the next trip.
I rode the Slumbercoaches a couple of times, but was put off by the stench of the toilets, both in the hallway and in the rooms. Both times, the entire car stank. It was a good concept, I loved the old sleep in a bucket one person Roomettes and Slumbercoaches, but my experience with the latter was bad.
never experienced an odor problem in slumbercoaches or other sleeping cars
Agreed…that became more of a problem when retention type toilets were introduced.
If there were any odors in the direct discharge Heritage toilets, it could easily be solved with a simple brush and flush.
And the older type didn’t use any sometimes irritating chemicals…
Agreed…that became more of a problem when retention type toilets were introduced.
If there were any odors in the direct discharge Heritage toilets, it could easily be solved with a simple brush and flush.
And the older type didn’t use any sometimes irritating chemicals…
On the other hand they also dumped raw sewage on the tracks. Amtrak should come up with a modern version of the Slumbercoach, but definitely without the in-room toilets.