EMD F125for Amtrak ?

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Aug 25, 2024
Is there any chance that Amtrak might use the EMD F125, a model currently used by Metrolink ? What pros and cons are there with that loco ?
I’d say close to zero, since Amtrak’s entire diesel needs are basically fulfilled by the state-owned SC44s and Amtrak-owned ALC42s from Siemens, plus whatever rebuilt P42s are coming out of Beech Grove.
Amtrak doesn't have a need for them, they've got plenty of ALC-42 but I'll list the few pros I see over the charger.
Larger fuel tank
Engine makes more power and so HEP takes a little less power from the wheels.
Can be ordered with 100mph gearing (where is the 110 for both?)

Both have struggled to some extent with parts and early reliability. Metrolink Crews which were Amtrak until recently seem to like them as long as they were working.