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  1. ET2020

    Price Drop - cancel/rebook... or price match ??

    Good data point - Thanks for sharing!
  2. ET2020

    Auto train review

    Did you travel Coach or in a Sleeper?
  3. ET2020

    I can see (name of train) from my window/porch/etc.

    Oh - guess I was way off on the DCA acronym?:p Sorry the shuffle is causing you to lose your window. I work for CMS; I know a couple folks who left here for NOAA. We are also consolidating folks across our agency, trying to get everyone on to our main campus. Fortunately I'll be retired before I...
  4. ET2020

    Auto train review

    Yeah - I'm limited some in my flexibility, and it is for snow-birding. We can stay into February next year, but probably not into March. I will continue to watch the Feb. rates pop up throughout March, and hopefully will find a sweet spot!;) ET:)
  5. ET2020

    I can see (name of train) from my window/porch/etc.

    Don't Re-Orgs suck! Sounds like a Gov. Operation:p I'm assuming you're with Defense Contracts Admin, Ken??:D
  6. ET2020

    Auto train review

    RichieRich; I'm looking ahead to my 2021 trip, and we already booked our southbound voyage. The northbound leg had a significant dip in price towards the end of the last week in January 2021, then went right back up to the higher rate through Feb. 8,2021. Is this a normal trend? Is there a...
  7. ET2020

    Amtrak teases upgraded bedding/amenities for sleeping cars

    Are you in the syndicated news business?
  8. ET2020

    New National Menu February, 2020

    I like Pork as the "other white meat" choice, beyond chicken! I'm not vegan, but don't really like red meat; if my steak's red, I ask them to cook it a little bit longer ! :p
  9. ET2020

    Amtrak teases upgraded bedding/amenities for sleeping cars

    Wait - I thought someone with half a brain was running Amtrak ? :) Just Kidding!!
  10. ET2020

    Auto train review

    Interesting feedback - I always strive to be part of the 1% :p
  11. ET2020

    People will steal your stuff on amtrak right in front of you.

    Would that book be in the fantasy section , or tragic comedy, on Amazon ??
  12. ET2020

    Auto train review

    If you do end up taking Auto Train again in near future, please let me know if the upgraded amenities show up in the sleeper cars.
  13. ET2020

    Amtrak teases upgraded bedding/amenities for sleeping cars

    Looks like it's harder to flatten out and stow away.... Does it really get close to getting back to original size?
  14. ET2020

    People will steal your stuff on amtrak right in front of you.

    I've told you ten million times not to exaggerate! :p
  15. ET2020

    People will steal your stuff on amtrak right in front of you.

    Have you ever seen anyone with a 16-foot-machete !??
  16. ET2020

    Items stolen on Amtrak train

    "literally" choked to death, OR "virtually" choked to death !?? What did you do when you encountered the person carving up your bag ?
  17. ET2020

    Amtrak teases upgraded bedding/amenities for sleeping cars

    Well that's a start, eh? Hopefully ALL the other advertised upgrades will make it into use incrementally. I'm sure you will keep us posted; Thanks for the update and the photo ET:)
  18. ET2020

    Items stolen on Amtrak train

    Thankfully you were unharmed! What happened, exactly??
  19. ET2020

    Amtrak teases upgraded bedding/amenities for sleeping cars

    What is the typical CONSIST for the #52 & #53 trains?
  20. ET2020

    Amtrak teases upgraded bedding/amenities for sleeping cars

    When will you ride AT again? I won't ride it until 2021 - I hope the upgrades happen before then, and are sustained. ET:)