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  1. D

    Anyone remember when AGR began offering 100 point minimums?

    Just curious. I've been a member since 2005 and I think they've had it since then.
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    AGR Points from Gathering Posted?

    Yup. Still waiting on that too. ---correction----Mine
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    Fast Track to Status Promotion (Porbably Targeted)

    Just saw the promo appears to have a 1000 TQP Bonus cap, so it would work for 1 RT from BOS-NYP and earn 1000 TQP + a bonus 1000 TQP, but any future round trips would not be eligible for any bonus.
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    AGR Points from Gathering Posted?

    I got my credit for the sleepers from Chicago to Martinez, CA both ways, but none of the short trips posted.
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    Getting Select Plus for my Dog?

    Just curious, since I saw this ad posted on the main Amtrak page.... Granted....I am only half serious, but has anyone managed to turn their dog or cat into a railfan? Considering, I've...
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    Select plus guesting someone into ml in Chicago

    I personally don't see a problem with it, as as long as he keeps his pass from the lounge agent, he should be fine.
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    The Passing of a Friend!

    Attending the Gatherings have given me the opportunity to meet many interesting people and connect with railfans from all over the country. I've attended them all since the original 2007 Gathering in Chicago and am looking forward to next month in San Francisco. However, I'll admit that I...
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    Troubles on Hiawatha, etc. lines - Sunday 2/9/14

    Thanks for posting Robert. Really hope Amtrak can straighten things out in the next month or two. It has been frustrating now that all bustitutions have been discontinued and #8 is no longer even remotely reliable.
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    EB mess

    For those that don't know, I used to regularly ride the Builder out of La Crosse, WI going to Chicago and from Chicago back to La Crosse. Up until last week, they were regularly running buses for those riding from St Paul to Chicago. For whatever reason, they decided to stop any further...
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    Successful price adjustment.

    Since you can always add a second passenger to a room for the lowest coach fare, I would think it would have to be a bug if Amtrak charged more, unless I totally misread what the original poster was trying to do.
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    Successful price adjustment.

    Figured I'd chime in with a couple of observations. More often then not, and I have seen exceptions: The H room is usually priced at the current Roomette bucket, minus 15%. Normally, with every other room, the 15% discount applies just to the rail fare. In regards to the Family Bedroom, the...
  12. D Changes

    On the regionals, it really appears that Business Class has gone up dramatically. Previoualy , the low bucket fare from WAS to BOS was around $76 and it was possible, if you booked early enough to add the Business Class upgrade for around $50 more--total $126. Of course, since Business Class...
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    Twin-unit diners on Amtrak

    Does anyone have any pics? My experience with train travel only goes back about 10 years. They sound like they were nice cars and had a certain elegance to them.
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    Your opinion please

    jb64, Sorry to hear about that. The agent was definitely wrong. I've redeemed my coupons for myself and also given some away for others to use, which they have without trouble.
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    New Amtrak Android app

    Finally. I'm not going to start a cellular OS debate on a Amtrak enthusiast site, but I hope delays between IOS released apps and their Android counterparts become less and less and developers begin to release them simultaneously. Apple has always seemed to enjoy prestige and, I admit, most of...
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    Retired Firefighter goes missing on Amtrak Train

    Didn't see this posted yet, so my apologies if it is already being discussed. Hopefully, it'll have a happy ending.
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    AGR points and Unreserved Trains

    Just found out I still have some tickets for the Hiawatha train that I printed in February. Has anyone used tickets for unreserved trains and still had the points post or should I make a new reservation and exchange my old paper tickets for an eticket so that the points post? If I exchange the...
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    Extreme Trains- Behind the scenes of the Empire Builder video

    A couple years ago, when the episode was filmed. I ordered the DVD from the History Channel. A few months later, I happened to be coming back from CHI on the EB when that exact crew wass working. Since I had the DVD with me at the time, I asked one of the attendants if he could get me the...
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    AGR, Eticketing, and Select City Pairs

    You're right and the root problem was still there, prior to Eticketing. It's just that, as you stated, prior to Eticketing there was an easy workaround. I would love if PVD was also a select city pair, as PVD is much nicer and cheaper to stay in than downtown Boston. Someone even told me that...
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    AGR, Eticketing, and Select City Pairs

    Thanks for the lively discussion so far. Amamba, Don't mean to put you on the spot, but if you're willing to speak to any of the conductors on the Acela when you take your upcoming tip, I'd be curious to know if or when they mark all tickets collected....after every stop or after only certain...