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  1. A

    Aisle width on Sunset and California Zephyr

    Hi there - the scooter he is bringing folds down to the size of a light baby stroller and is very light. Called a TravelScoot - it's an amazing little beastie and he will be using it all over the States, but probably not on the train though as he should be able to manage with crutches. It is...
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    Aisle width on Sunset and California Zephyr

    Many thanks to all of you! Your info has been very helpful. Seems BIL can walk with a walker and crutches, using his legs, (the left one is weak though), and has very good upper body strength. We are hoping, in booking a "bedroom" on the upper level, he will only have the challenge of the...
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    Aisle width on Sunset and California Zephyr

    Thank you all so much for taking the trouble to reply to my query. We are a party of four from NZ, planning to travel for a month around the States in September this year. (Our second trip - loved it!). Sadly, one of our party has had a stroke and can't walk or stand unaided, after 10 months...
  4. A

    Aisle width on Sunset and California Zephyr

    Does anyone know the aisle width in the dining car on the above two trains? Any info gratefully received. Cheers