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  1. J

    New minisuite mockup for night trains in Europe

    Do you think it would be appropriate on a train leaving after 8pm and arriving before 8am the next morning? Then day use would not be an issue. I see folks describing an itineraries like - London->Amsterdam (afternoon Eurostar); Amsterdam->Vienna (NightJet); Vienna -> lots of different...
  2. J

    New minisuite mockup for night trains in Europe

    see Nightjet of the new generation for details
  3. J

    Crescent operations and schedule performance

    How about an ATL-NOL night train with connections at NOL to Sunset and CONO? Then put the ATL-NYP section back on a reasonable early evening departure from ATL. Passengers connecting between the services would have a day to explore ATL.
  4. J

    Hub for Amtrak in Atlanta proposed

    A regional agency for transit in metro ATL was created a couple of years ago - Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority - ATL
  5. J

    Work around for chronically late northbound Crescent at ATL

    fare for this trip (2 seniors) is $674.80 (coach to BHM, then roomette to NYP) return a week later is $573.40) (roomette NYP->ATL) both seem to be in the cheapest fare bucket i'll report on our afternoon in BHM when the trip begins in late July
  6. J

    Work around for chronically late northbound Crescent at ATL

    With the frequent late departure of 20 from ATL, the modest waiting area at the station, the late night scheduled departure, free time in retirement and a general love of any train trip, my wife and I have booked the following itinerary this summer: 19 ATL-BHM 9:08a-12:45p 20 BHM-NYP...
  7. J

    Progress on my printable timetable generator

    Looking great! One thought for Ar/Dp - many Amtrak timetables used a column with a combined direction arrow and Ar/Dp field along with a another column for route miles. Value added might be average speed between stations...
  8. J

    Columbia, SC - future hub?

    new service - Dallas, Shreveport, Jackson, Meridian, Birmingham, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbia. Through cars to New York and Florida on the Silver Star.
  9. J

    Progress on my printable timetable generator

    Hope COVID does not hit your family too hard! I like a second aux file for options rather than on the command line. Perhaps it could specify general stuff like author and date, then include a set of table specific files. Each table reference could point to a current spec file and have a name...
  10. J

    Progress on my printable timetable generator

    updated pdfs with correct fonts - thanks neroden for helping with where to look Thanks for the suggestions! Issue was that I am running down in amtrak\timetables so that I can stay separate from your work. fonts and icons are relative to working directory rather than...
  11. J

    Progress on my printable timetable generator

    I cloned the project from GitHub, then installed the dependencies noted in README.rst (GTFS Kit, PANDAS, Weasyprint). Weasyprint had the most issues on my Windows 11 machine. I then starting running and resolving issues. With the Crescent work, there seem to be issues with the...
  12. J

    Progress on my printable timetable generator

    This is a very exciting open source project! See attached Crescent/Carolina/VA timetables that were quite easy to produce.
  13. J

    Progress on my printable timetable generator

    Storing this data in a text format (like csv) in a versioned repository (like GitHub) seems like a good way to go.
  14. J

    Progress on my printable timetable generator

    This is a great start! Keep up the good work. Following the project over on github.
  15. J

    Crescent schedule change - first time in 50 years!

    I live in the Atlanta area. Each morning I check to see how the new 'improved' Crescent schedule is working. Short answer - a total failure! Waiting in Peachtree Station's modest waiting room overnight would be torture. I have fond memories of riding to Southern Crescent to DC for work...