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  1. G

    Roomette temperatures

    Aloha But I use Gaffer tape. It does leave a residue and comes in many colors.
  2. G

    Healing thoughts for Shanghai

    Aloha Dick Guess you had to much snow to shovel before. We all wish you a speedy recovery, but I am sure Archie will miss the walks the most. Stealing from Alan: Take care, take the train.
  3. G

    Link for Chicago Kansas City detour trip

    My beloved G's routinely pulled trains that long on the Corridor from Boston to Washington with one engine. Nice report Mahalo and Aloha
  4. G

    Locked bathrooms on the Meteor

    Aloha I wonder why Toilets get so much attention here on AU! :D
  5. G

    X-Train Chugging Along?

    Aloha There is a map that was sent to me. I will have to search for it again. Last Sunday I was chatting with a former Amtrak Engineer who was on the DW told me there were 4 possible routes that could be used between LA and Vegas. He said 2 of them did not use the Cahon Grade, which is...
  6. G

    Slo days in San Luis Obispo...

    Aloha Ed Very Happy we got time before the Gathering an you Enjoyed the trip. Fairly sure I will be at the next gathering So hope you are also. Mahalo Eric
  7. G

    Union Pacific Leads Amtrak #6(17)

    Aloha Forget when But the same happened to my ride on the Zephyr. There is a shot in my Zephyr Gallery
  8. G

    All the usual suspects... (gathering pics)

    Aloha Really glad to see the spirit of Patrick was there.
  9. G

    The Amtrak Pioneer- Ripe for a Return

    Congestion No how do you define that. Once it tool me 9 hours and recently the trip time was about 12 hours. :D / :wacko: / :angry2: Aloha
  10. G

    Sadness over compasion of customer relations

    Aloha I reread the thread and do not feel anyone was attacking you, your husband, anyone with disabilities, or Vets. Some coments may have been hard to hear, but I think the were made as a way of understanding.
  11. G

    Rare 1934 version of the movie "Silver Streak" on TCM Friday 1

    Dang I found it listed as 12:30PM PST here on the west coast, and I am getting some work at that time. Aloha and Mahalo for the information.
  12. G

    Rare 1934 version of the movie "Silver Streak" on TCM Friday 1

    Aloha Might be interesting to see the route that takes it to the Dam. Back then, till around 1960 tracks actually went to the dam. Now I volunteer on the RR museum that uses the Boulder Sub, that was the end of UP track where the "6 Companies" continued to the Dam site.
  13. G

    Amtrak trying my patience...

    Aloha Last bus I took to LA at the bus terminal everything was manual, and poorly organized.
  14. G

    Return of the Desert Wind?

    Aloha The times I rode the DW I flew into LA from Hawaii, spent time with my Daughter, then trained to Vegas. Each time I rode it the DW was full. As we got off in downtown Vegas, almost as many that got off from the west, were replaced by those leaving Vegas for points east.
  15. G

    Amtrak connections to local rail transit - Is Chicago the worst?

    Las Vegas is the worst! Aloha
  16. G

    What's an O/B Unit?

    What is the gestation period of an expecting locomotive?
  17. G

    Least Scenic (copycat thread)?

    Aloha For me there is no bad scenery, especially on a train.
  18. G

    Nevada Rain, Desert Wind Track Damaged

    Aloha I never said I expected to Get the Desert Wind Back. Yes I want it, but do not expect it. Not having any other knowledge of track location terminology how else could I identify the track location. The reason I think it would affect the California Zephyr is because freights that would use...
  19. G

    Possible Down Time

    Aloha Some of the issues are covered by individual posts, but to help I copied the last few Facebook posts for GB hope it helps. Betty Fischer I have my internet tech on the phone because I still can't get on. He's checking with his supervisor. 5 hrs · Like Betty Fischer After 54 minutes...
  20. G

    Nevada Rain, Desert Wind Track Damaged

    Aloha I do not have any picture links but Monday's rain has washed away much of the earth under the tracks used buy the Desert Wind to Salt Lake City. Freight traffic is not expected to resume before the week end. I wonder it that will have an effect on the California Zephyr.