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  1. SanDiegan

    Cardinal and Capitol Limited Consists

    Thanks for all the info !
  2. SanDiegan

    Does Amtrak Have Wrecked Superliner Sleepers?

    The Siemens cars would work well with new Viewliner sleepers :-)
  3. SanDiegan

    Cardinal and Capitol Limited Consists

    Does anyone know the current consists of Trains 29/30 (Capitol Limited) and 50/51 (Cardinal) ?
  4. SanDiegan

    New dining options (flex dining) effective October 1, 2019

    Popeye’s chicken sandwiches ! People would be fighting to get on Amtrak :-)
  5. SanDiegan

    10-20+% accommodation fare increase?

    Just another part of the plan to kill long distance trains. Raise fares and cut service amenities. Have lots of “flash sales” for Northeast and other corridors.
  6. SanDiegan

    Am I missing anything by leaving from Sacramento instead of Emeryville on CZ?

    There is also a Starbucks right next to the station, located in what's left of the old Railway Express. Vending machines in the station waiting room as well.
  7. SanDiegan

    New dining options (flex dining) effective October 1, 2019

    Makes sense since it serves the NEC crowd ...
  8. SanDiegan

    New dining options (flex dining) effective October 1, 2019

    From today’s hotline: “Rail Passengers Association was disappointed to learn this week that Amtrak plans to extend its Contemporary Dining menu and dining service on to all of the long-distance trains east of the Mississippi. The move takes effect October 1 -- the beginning of Fiscal 2020 --...
  9. SanDiegan

    Train 30 to 91 connection

    They are allowing it now. I booked a roomette from Chicago to Columbia departing May 8th and it was a permitted connection. Train 91 has been departing just minutes before train 30 has been arriving. One time it waited. I’m guessing maybe there weren’t any connecting passengers that had to use...
  10. SanDiegan

    Train 30 to 91 connection

    I recently booked a trip from Chicago to Columbia SC with a same day connection from train 30 (Capitol Limited) to train 91 (Silver Star). I have teen checking train status on the Amtrak app the last few days and notice that train 91 had been departing on time just a few minutes before train 30...
  11. SanDiegan

    Texas Eagle/Sunset Limited El Paso Burrito Lady

    This is the one I walk to if there’s time:
  12. SanDiegan

    Sunset losing Diner?

    Heard a crew rumor that after all the flak Anderson has taken over the Southwest Chief, his next target is Train 1/2, The Sunset Limited. Supposedly, he wants to remove the diner and implement “Contemporary Dining” (Boxed Dinners) on the train. This train has been a frequent target, so Sunset...
  13. SanDiegan

    That BIG Silver Star Bargain for not having a Diner:

    Could be there is less of a market for the trains, or Amtrak has driven it away ?
  14. SanDiegan

    Silver Star and Silver Meteor

    Does anyone know if the sleepers are currently on the front or rear of the train northbound from Miami ?
  15. SanDiegan

    Amtrak moving forward to stop all, most LDT

    I was discussing the Sunset as a long-distance train compared to the others mentioned, not as a corridor train. The Sunset serves a large population base (L.A. - Phoenix - Tucson - El Paso - San Antonio - Houston - New Orleans), with lots of intermediate traffic. It is only "weak" between El...
  16. SanDiegan

    Amtrak moving forward to stop all, most LDT

    Sunset Limited has Los Anageles-Phoenix-Tucson-El Paso (Juarez)-San Antonio-Houston-New Orleans. Those are some pretty large markets !
  17. SanDiegan

    Amtrak moving forward to stop all, most LDT

    This is also true of the Sunset. There is plenty of coach traffic between L.A. - Phoenix (Maricpoa)-Tucson - El Paso and San Antonio - Houston - New Orleans. The weak spot is El-Paso - San Antonio, a problem that every one of the other trains mentioned also have. If anything, the Sunset Route...
  18. SanDiegan

    Recent Positive LSL Experience

    It’s 1984 !
  19. SanDiegan

    New Williams, AZ Grand Canyon Shuttle?

    I usually am not the one who will say this very tired cliche, but “only in America” :-)
  20. SanDiegan

    Last printed system timetable

    Airlines don’t need timetables, why should Amtrak ? Just kidding ! :-)