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  1. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    FWIW, the Lone Star Flight Museum started a long-term plan to move off the island after Ike, when much of their stuff was devastated. They've been working for YEARS to build a new facility at Ellington Airport, in Southeast Houston, and moved their aircraft to the new facility 2 weeks ago, with...
  2. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    Galveston didn't see much in the way of surge, certainly not enough to top the seawall. We're gonna see a lot of rain today, and there could be some street type flooding down there, but Galveston is surrounded by water and not on any major rivers, so up in the lots they USUALLY* don't flood...
  3. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    They supposedly evac'ed the Galveston Railroad Museum rolling stock, so it didn't get Iked again. Not that that would happen, mind.
  4. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    Wet. Unless they paid for the indoor parking, in which case.... dry.
  5. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    Yeah, I've already gone to Academy and bought their last inflatable boat. ;) And living just a mile or so south of Ellington Field, I'm not sure which I'm dreading more - the storm, or the post-storm visit!
  6. JoeBas

    Hurricane Harvey Texas Impacts

    If only. ;)
  7. JoeBas

    Upgrade to a sleeper with a rail pass: price?

    Note that thread has been necromanced like heck, and much of the advice above post #12 is no longer valid, particularly the part about buying low-bucket upgrades onboard. I don't know anything about the questions in Post #12, just posting a fair warning to passers-by...
  8. JoeBas

    Amtrak Reno contact?

    To be fair, Amtrak's phones probably have rotary dials on them... ;)
  9. JoeBas

    Travel Insurance? Don't!

    Nice! LOL I expect it'll do the trick for us, we're just driving, and it's just the rental cost of the beachfront condo, so it's not a PHENOMENAL sum. But for $89, given the time of the year, it's worth it just for the peace of mind.
  10. JoeBas

    "Go back to your seats, or lose them"...

    Please do tell your wife that yes, those pants DO make her butt look big. Then get back to us on how that worked out for you. ;)
  11. JoeBas

    Travel Insurance? Don't!

    Bought travel insurance for the first time for my upcoming South Padre beach trip. Of course, I made sure it covered "work reasons" with a notarized letter, because being in the weather business August can tend to get a bit dicey. ;)
  12. JoeBas

    Richard Anderson replacing Wick Moorman as Amtrak CEO

    YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!! NO ONE knows more about railroads than message board foamers!
  13. JoeBas

    Greenville, SC (GRV) to be Unstaffed Effective June 15, 2017

    I'm surprised that this weak excuse is the best you could do - there are far more serious holes in my own suggestion that "could" gun up the works. But on a train that makes 10 st i ps and takes 36 hours to do it, double spotting at even EVERY platform is a negligible amount of time. But fine...
  14. JoeBas

    Greenville, SC (GRV) to be Unstaffed Effective June 15, 2017

    Why not offer what cruise ships do - print-at-home luggage tags and a central bag drop on a cart at unstaffed stations? Roll the cart over, load the bags, unload the bags, move the cart back, 2 to go?
  15. JoeBas

    Sunset Limited - Lake Houston

    I did, mea culpa, mea culpa. But if we're being pedantic, I did say that UP was running directionally between the two. I just didn't say anything about BNSF... ;)
  16. JoeBas

    Sunset Limited - Lake Houston

    No, the directional running re-joins together before the Beaumont Station.
  17. JoeBas

    Sunset Limited - Lake Houston

    It's normal Eastbound now. UP is using directional running between Houston and New Orleans, and the eastbound traffic uses the more northerly route. See
  18. JoeBas

    Getting to WAS from Lancaster Pa -- what would you do?

    "Getting to WAS from Lancaster Pa -- what would you do?" Hold my breath, stamp my feet, and post endlessly on the one and only topic that matters in the universe, until Amtrak righted the wrong done centuries (okay, Decades) ago and gives me what I demand - a one-seat ride to Chicago. ;)
  19. JoeBas

    Washington Union Station Screens Display Inappropriate Content

    Hey, this is a whole new twist on "See something, say something". ;)
  20. JoeBas

    Bag Storage @ WUS

    Thanks for the tip on the redemption, BTW... I have just enough points after cashing out last year for a 5-pack, though I hate to waste 5000 points on what will be one visit, given where I live.