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  1. JoeBas

    Texas Eagle to Alamo-a short walk

    Just make sure you go the RIGHT way, especially if doing this during a Sunset/Eagle meeting (late night), as the neighborhood deteriorates pretty quickly in any of the wrong ones.
  2. JoeBas

    July Changes to Lake Shore and Capitol Limited Dining

    Sounds like my First Law of IT: Anything that sounds simple is incredibly complex, requiring an investment of (insert your organization's default go away number) man-hours of development time, with a delivery date sometime after the next Mass Extinction.
  3. JoeBas

    July Changes to Lake Shore and Capitol Limited Dining

    A federal mandate to eliminate crumbs is still crumbs.
  4. JoeBas

    Seattle to Denver run

    With a corresponding penalty for changing your reservation, of course. Because while Amtrak has no problem reneging on its agreements, it can and will charge you to change your reservation after they change the conditions of carriage.
  5. JoeBas

    Getting there is half the fun (24 hour dining experiment)

    The forum shortened that link in an appropriately Freudian manner... "F the fun"!
  6. JoeBas

    Amtrak's New "Fresh Choices" Dining on CL & LSL

    I keep hearing this is what their plan is. Question is, why make the change at all before you've figured out how to do what you plan to change it to? I'm planning to replace my car with a new one in 18 months when the lease is up. That doesn't mean I stop driving my car NOW and use a frickin'...
  7. JoeBas

    Anyone travelled Amtrak on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

    This... your breadless lunchmeat will come with a red and green ribbon on the box instead of string...
  8. JoeBas

    Richard Anderson replacing Wick Moorman as Amtrak CEO

    These mythical boiled eggs are starting to reach "Philly Fan vs. the Cardinal" levels of jihadist infamy...
  9. JoeBas

    Richard Anderson replacing Wick Moorman as Amtrak CEO

    Some men, just want to watch the world burn.
  10. JoeBas

    Amtrak's New "Fresh Choices" Dining on CL & LSL

    That should be the new marketing tagline - "Amtrak - Our food is still better than canned Dinty Moore!!!"
  11. JoeBas

    Amtrak trips I'm not taking

    I think those stores are also a victim of larger macro trends. My example of NA$CAR is more of a traditional business, which had a lot of VERY LOYAL customers who were the kind of generational folks that marketers dream about, treated those loyal customers very shabbily and assumed that they...
  12. JoeBas

    Amtrak trips I'm not taking

    Again, someone should ask NA$CAR how this attitude worked out for them, mkay?....
  13. JoeBas

    Amtrak trips I'm not taking

    One should ask NASCAR how this philosophy worked out for them...
  14. JoeBas

    Slight Amtrak funding increase in House THUD FY2019 Bill

    Millions for Maglev but not one cent for Hamburgers!!! - Robert Goodloe Harper, circa 2018.
  15. JoeBas

    Joe Boardman questions current Amtrak's managements motives

    To be fair, it seems like you wouldn't want anyone to do anything except stop complaining.
  16. JoeBas

    Joe Boardman questions current Amtrak's managements motives

    Hey, y'all wanna keep on ignoring the evidence that's right in front of you in favor of "Hope", "Optimism", "Blind Faith", or whatever you want to call it, be my guest. Every time one of these blows lands, I get told "It's not so bad" and "It's just one thing, stop being dramatic". It quite...
  17. JoeBas

    Joe Boardman questions current Amtrak's managements motives

    Yup. The former head of Amtrak comes out and point-blank accuses his replacement of actively trying to kill the LD network, starting with the SWC, and the response from the sand eaters is "LULZ people on the interwebz is so duuuummmmmbbbbbbbb......". Be careful with those fingers in your ears...
  18. JoeBas

    Amtrak's New "Fresh Choices" Dining on CL & LSL

    If you think the rest of this country won't cut their noses off to spite their own face, you must not get to a lot of the rest of this country.
  19. JoeBas

    Amtrak's New "Fresh Choices" Dining on CL & LSL

    It's been said before, and I'll say it again. 435+100+1. Those are Amtrak's "Core customers". If the Top Right Corner of the map wants to go it alone, fine. But not a dime from the rest of the country!