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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. D

    Tehachapi Starlight FAST TIME LOG - Pres David Gunn 10-23-05

    This time log is from almost 3 Years ago but it does show the FASTEST credible run time from Sacramento to Bakersfield and LA. These times were taken aboard what basically was a VIP PRESIDENTUAL train with regular Amtrak cars tacked onto the head end. This data is from Coast Starlight Train 11...
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    Starlight Tehachapi Album

    This Tehachapi Time Log that I compiled on October 23, 2005 shows abiout the SHORTEST and FASTEST time possible over todays railroad from Bakersfield to LA. I was aboard Train 11 with former Amtrak PRESIDENT David Gunn riding in his Office Car on the REAR END. Obviously this train had very...
  3. D

    Tehachapi Starlight ALL 3 MODERN Era Consists 2005 + 2008

    Courtesy of the "Foamers" Yahoo Group here are ALL 3 Modern Era Amtrak Consists of Superliners that have Traveled over Tehachapi. This covers the Train 11 detour of 10-23-05 AND BOTH trains 11 and 14 on 6-22-08. The ONLY Amtrak consists we are missing are Both 11 and 14 of August 26, 1974: --...
  4. D

    Tehachapi Ticketing Ordeal

    Probably much BETTER to cancel your trip than to plan a very--very CLOSE connection. You would then have had a LOT of anxiety about arriving Los Angeles and possibly missing your train by 15 or 30 minutes. I NEVER NEVER plan any TIGHT connections myself for that very same reason. Any missed...
  5. D

    Greetings from sunny Costa Rica.

    Welcome---Welcome to this wonderful Amtrak Forums website!! I would just LOVE to hear more details about the Costa Rica Railroad system. I must say I never expected to see someone from Costa Rica especially in this forum. Perhaps I am underestimating the popularity of this forum in my mind...
  6. D

    Amtrak Train 5 TURNS Back in Reno NV (5-3-08)

    Train 5 was arriving into Sparks for the 1st stop shortly after I posted this note. That would have been around 9:00 PM ish or so 5-3-08 saturday night. ---- Daniel
  7. D

    Amtrak Train 5 TURNS Back in Reno NV (5-3-08)

    According to UP Dispatcher 74 this very--very LATE Train 5 of the 1st from Chicago will TURN in Reno NV. Train 6 of the 4th will Originate in Reno on Sunday 5-4-08. This train 5 was scheduled to arrive Emeryville (Oakland) tonight but will not now. No Donner Pass or California for this...
  8. D

    Amtrak # 6 DISRUPTED-Bridge HIT - Burlington IA 5-1-08

    UPDATE according to this local TV station the highway and rail bridges MAY be reopened now (3:12PM PDT 5-1-08). If you do a search on Google News for "Burlington Bridge" you can get the very LATEST info and news :
  9. D

    "Amtrak phases out overhauls at Indiana shop"?

    Thank you all for the input. I did not realize that this is new policy does not necessarily signal the end of the world for Amtrak. That posting from the "All Aboard" list certainly made it sound like the end of the world. The writer of that piece did certainly sound like a well informed...
  10. D

    "Amtrak phases out overhauls at Indiana shop"?

    Here is that Trains Mag News item about the drastic change in policy regarding Amtrak locomotive overhauls. This was posted to the Yahoo "All Aboard" group on friday APril 25, 2008: --- Daniel *****************************************************...
  11. D

    "Amtrak phases out overhauls at Indiana shop"?

    Very Sadly here is a posting off of the excellent Yahoo Group "All Aboard" back on April 8, 2008. I fear that this new DANGEROUS policy could easily be FATAL to many Amtrak passengers with any locomotive breakdown. You do need locomotive power for such passenger comfort essentials as Summer...
  12. D

    Sunset Limited #1 (25) Derails

    Any PHOTOS of equipment damage to share??? I have NOT been able to find any news media coverage of this incident with photos. Thank you in advance for anything additional. I do hope and pray for everyone involved in this nasty crash. ---- Daniel
  13. D

    Coast Starlight SUSPENDED entire route (1-24-08)

    Sadly this is all about a very cynical way to save money for the Amtrak Corporation at the expense of the passengers and employees. Amtrak apparently has a far too bloated management structure. I think this post from another forum explains pretty well what is going on. Somehow I do not think...
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    Coast Starlight SUSPENDED entire route (1-24-08)

    Absolutely NO way that the former SP Siskiyou Line could possibly be used for any Amtrak detours. That is because this rail line is a very ANCIENT allignment that has many sharp hairpin curves and is crooked. Yes on paper it does look like the ideal detour but sadly the physical plant is NOT...
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    Barstow - Vegas

    Going just from Las Vegas NV to Barstow CA is too long of a haul for a commuter car. Google Maps shows that distance to be 157 Miles and a drive time of 2 HOURS 17 minutes. Bear in mind that the LA Basin is still a LONG way from Barstow and you see why you need long distance equipment and...
  16. D

    Coast Starlight SUSPENDED entire route (1-24-08)

    Heads up for those who have not seen this OFFICIAL Amtrak notice here it is. This is supposed to begin with train 14 Los Angeles departure of Jan 24th (thursday) and train 11 scheduled Seattle departure on Jan 25th (friday). I myself fear that this may follow the pattern of the Sunset Limited...