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    Tracking FY 2024-25 Ridership and Finances

    I believe that would be passenger miles divided by train miles, found on the last page here: 1875.7/6.0=312.6 Though we'd...
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    FRA Long Distance Service Study discussion

    Atlanta, for one.
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    Piedmont and North Carolina DOT Service discussion

    Until you get to Atlanta: "Take the Peachtree to Peachtree Station, not to be confused with Peachtree Center MARTA Station, both of which are on Peachtree St, not to be confused with the other 70 roads in Atlanta with Peachtree in the name..." I suggest stops in Peachtree Corners and Peachtree...
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    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H1

    Silver Service as well:
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    FRA's Corridor ID Program and possible new Corridors

    Unless they are doing two separate routes, they'll have to decide between going through Macon or going through Athens and Augusta. The former would be a shorter distance but the latter would serve a larger population.
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    Atlantic Coast (Silver/Palmetto/Carolinian) Service discussion Q4 2023 - 2024 H1

    That was the case when I rode the Meteor last month
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    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement discussion (2022 - 2024Q1)

    If they only use accessible coaches on those trains it seems feasible. For example: Train 1: Other sleepers - Accessible sleeper - accessible cafe - accessible coach Train 2: Accessible coach - accessible diner - accessible sleeper - other sleepers would combine at the coaches and still maintain...
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    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement discussion (2022 - 2024Q1)

    I counted it because along with the ADA room there are additional rooms below but if you can argue the car is "used primarily for non-revenue purposes" you are right.
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    Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement discussion (2022 - 2024Q1)

    Based on this from Amtrak's proposal They need four accessible rooms because there are four sleeper cars counting the lounge but not the utility car. Similarly, the single level design needs three because there are total of three sleeper cars not counting the utility car.
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    Future direct Chicago-Florida Route

    Looks like they are considering three different options for Atlanta - Jacksonville: Atlanta-Augusta-Savannah-Jacksonville Atlanta-Macon-Savannah-Jacksonville Atlanta-Macon-Jesup-Jacksonville With the last one being used for the example route on page 110.
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    Crescent discussion

    Looks like both feeds still work on this page: Service Alerts & Notices | Amtrak
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    Superliner trains' removal and restoration of cars (2022-2023)

    There was a thread here recently where the OP was in refreshed roomette. Managed to find it:
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    FRA's Corridor ID Program and possible new Corridors

    Isn't it what this NOFO is about? Federal Register :: Request Access
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    Amtrak taking first step on Meridian Speedway LD service

    A feasibility study and a capacity study were done in the last few years. Both found on the I-20 Corridor Council website here: So they shouldn't be starting from scratch, at least.
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    Amtrak taking first step on Meridian Speedway LD service

    I would hope it'd be the cafe car going to New Orleans and they add the dining car back which will go to Dallas-Fort Worth, but heh, we'll see. Taking a nod from the "adding frequency to LD services thread" I think they should also consider running the routes independently. Then there would be...
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    Fares that don't make sense

    The prices are demand based, so that's indicative of higher demand for the train that takes less time. Makes sense to me.
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    Adding frequency to Long Distance (LD) service

    The Crescent, as currently travel between Atlanta and cities in South and North Carolina involves middle of the night departures and/or arrivals. Though the proposed Atlanta to Charlotte (or better yet, Raleigh) corridor would also fix that.
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    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    Curiously, I managed to find a page, though it's not listed in the menu: