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  1. Chief0792

    Lake Shore Limited discussion 2023 Q4 - 2025

    So here's something not encountered before (but somehow not surprising). My wife was on 49 from NYP to CHI on the 23rd and was told by the SCA that only one bathroom was open for passengers because the second one was reserved for his personal use (on a VII sleeper). It came about after she tried...
  2. Chief0792

    Amtrak wins takeover of Washington Union Station

    It's still there as of August, looks to still be there now as well
  3. Chief0792

    Individualized bonus points offered in Fall Travel promotion

    Selective Executive and I got 2x. My wife has no status and got 4x offer
  4. Chief0792

    Amtrak Siemens Charger locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2015 - 1Q 2024)

    Isn't the Capitol Limited equipment serviced in Chicago, though? Just curious, really don't know.
  5. Chief0792

    Auto Train discussion

    Thank you! I thought so but just wasn't sure.
  6. Chief0792

    Auto Train discussion

    Hey all - Question about bedrooms on the Auto Train (if this question was asked and answered at some point in the past I apologize). In the all bedroom configuration, are the bedrooms still set up like every other Superliner (specifically, shower/toilet in-room)? It's been a while since we...
  7. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    She didn't know beyond the fact that they were being bussed as well, by the sound of it all the way to Miami. She was beyond frustrated at the lack of information any of them got. They were in the dark about the plans up to the point they were called together in the cafe car.
  8. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    Seems so. Not my first rodeo with a bustitution but wish they had decided this sooner. Guessing it was not easy finding charters bit not looking forward to 8 hours on a full bus😐
  9. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    Final update - bustitution to final destinations for all.
  10. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    Beats me. They just backed us out of the station to the very same place we sat for most of the night and called all the SCAs to the Cafe Car, which is closing for service. Conductor walked through the car and someone asked what was going to happen and he just said he'd make an announcement to...
  11. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    That is what I was wondering and might explain why we have been sitting at Hamlet station for well over an hour now...perhaps they are waiting to see if they tracks will be passable before they cut back over to the A Line as opposed to staying on the S Line. I do wish they would be forthcoming...
  12. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    Well, at least it's daytime and it will be something different to see. Looking at things, if they do this it means we'd be on the Andrews Sub to Dillon - which looks like a slow ride but at least moving somewhere? Unless that game plan changes - we've been at Hamlet station for a while now.
  13. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    Latest update for 97(9): Conductors said that a CSX crew will be coming on board and taking the train to Florence. Since I can't imagine we'd be backtracking again, and involves a CSX crew, I'd guess that it is over different trackage. The more ominous part of the announcement was "when we get...
  14. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    The latest update from our conductor is that the crew on 92(9) timed out, so Amtrak is sending management (his words) south to bring the train to Hamlet so that crew can leave the train, and then a new crew will be taking our train onwards after 92 heads out of Hamlet. His announcement ended...
  15. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    Latest update from the conductor is that the crew from the combined 92/98(9) will be taking over 97(9) once they arrive in Hamlet. They aren't expected to arrive here for another 90 minutes. Edit: Train 52(9) just came through Hamlet at 8:55AM and we are rolling forward, but I'm guessing we are...
  16. Chief0792

    Atlantic Coast Service discussion

    I guess that explains the long night of stops and starts (mostly stops) in NC. Currently on 97(9) sitting at the CSX facility outside of Hamlet waiting crew, clear track, something? Guess it's gonna be a long time before I get to Orlando today! Hopefully some more information will be...
  17. Chief0792

    SLC Amtrak to airport at 3am, arriving by CZ

    We traveled to SLC in July and there were plenty of cabs waiting in the parking lot adjacent to the station. Our daughter met us when inbound so not a problem being a couple hours late, but still noticed that there were no shortage of cabs meeting the train. Can't speak for Uber or Lyft, though...
  18. Chief0792

    Superliner Transition Sleeper question

    OK, that's good to know. Thanks!
  19. Chief0792

    Superliner Transition Sleeper question

    Good information, thanks to all for your replies, it makes life simpler!
  20. Chief0792

    Superliner Transition Sleeper question

    Have a carry on luggage question regarding the Transition Sleeper that no one at Amtrak has been able to answer... Leaving on Train 5 in a few days (CHI-SLC) and Amtrak changed our room from a normal sleeper into the transition sleeper. That is what it is, but the only time we traveled on a...