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  1. H

    playing cards in the dining car after hours?

    Let me tell you a story that might make a difference. We were on the Crescent (# 19) just south of Tuscaloosa and the train line broke on the baggage car. The sleepers were on the head end and the conductor asked the lounge car LSA if he could help unload 168 pieces of luggage from the baggage...
  2. H

    Sunset Limited versus Texas Eagle

    Correct about your itinerary BUT the car numbers have a lot to do in ticketing/fares. If you do #1/2 versus #421/422 you might come up cheaper and it is all the same train between your two points. It's an odd situation but the computer is set up that way.
  3. H

    What Is Going On With AMTRAK???

    And I answered your question with a question !!!
  4. H

    What Is Going On With AMTRAK???

    Just where did you pick up this union slowdown nonsense~ WAL-MART ???? :angry:
  5. H

    An Amtrak Disaster!

    Jim~ they tell me the evening trick yardmaster is the toughest job in Chicago. Besides getting trains out they have to deal with the bad orders, regular maintenance cars to be cut out of inbounds, etc. Sounds like an easy ticket to the looney bin. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. H

    Texas Eagle/Sunset Limited/Southwest Chief status

    agreed...with the happenings at Amtrak this summer the Chief is your better choice :hi:
  7. H

    Springfield, MA?

    IIRC, basketball was invented by the YMCA in Springfield. Don't know if they have a museum or not. My favorite non-Amtrak stop is Wilbraham, home of Friendly's Ice cream.
  8. H

    Amtrak Ticket Price Hike

    As another OP recently so eloquently stated~ "On what planet ???"
  9. H

    My Sunset Limited improvement plan

    AMEN !!!! :cool:
  10. H

    Short-Term Baggage Storage at NY Penn Station

    Since the Empire service pulled out of GCT there is no reason to have checked baggage service. There used to be a parcel room opposite track 29 or so but I think it's long gone. I didn't see just where you are headed but if you're not in need of your luggage can you wait on a later train that...
  11. H

    Balt's Penn Station to Johns Hopkins Hospital

    Agreed...I walked it in broad daylight once. Surprised I'm here to tell about it.
  12. H

    My Sunset Limited improvement plan

    The only change that you're going to see in the immediate future at the UP is the operating ratio needed to run trains. CSX has announced that they're aiming for 65%~ the UP seemed content with 75% (and some of the cuts at 75% were outrageous) but will not be outdone by a smaller RR.
  13. H

    94 Broke Down

    From talking to Amtrak crews it seems the computers are burning up on a lot of the Genesis units. Unless we have a spare one laying around the engine has to be drug to a shop that may be a 1,000 miles away.
  14. H

    94 Broke Down

    It ain't going to get any better especially with the Genesis units starting to show signs of early Alzheimer's. You can only roll the dice so many times with a one unit train before you shoot ***** :cool:
  15. H

    #14 pulled by switchers?

    These creatures were a version of the freight Dash 8 which really didn't do too much to improve GE's dependability. The Sunset got two for a while when they first came out. The mountains were a challenge and many a Sunset had to be towed by an SP/UP freight engine. Amtrak has them right where...
  16. H

    Meals on Trains that are Running Late

    Just for reference sake the diner might not have enough food on the regular menu to feed everyone~ and that includes coach pax in a very tardy time frame sooo...out comes the stew. I was a little irked when I saw my SCA eating a steak as all the pax got canned stew a la mode on rice. :ohboy:
  17. H

    Empire Builder, Behind the Scenes.

    Whatever RR he works for must appreciate when he's on the road~ their safety performance probably goes up quite a few notches. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. H

    New AU positions congratulations

    Great job you's to many years of success. :hi:
  19. H


    You may have a good point Betty. It's sorta like someone getting off at NYP and going to the first hot dog stand and declaring it "The Best of the best." Maybe we need to find a well recommended pizzeria in Chicago that delivers and compare notes. Looks like I'm taking the City to Chicago and...
  20. H

    Empire Builder, Behind the Scenes.

    Great video~ thanks for sharing! I think a Rules Examiner would pull him out of service in less than ten minutes especially after jumping off the coach with the step box in place. I wonder who he knows at Amtrak ???