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  1. cirdan

    One dead and 71 injured in long haul flight from London to Singapore

    I believe many people have a cavalier attitude to using the seat buckles while mid-flight and tend to ignore the illuminated sign. Cabin staff are often occupied with other tasks and do not consistently enforce their usage. From my interpretation of the article, most of the injured were not...
  2. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    Maybe there could also be a separation a bit like Eurotunnel vs Eurostar, with the infrastructure being built, owned and maintained privately and Amtrak paying access fees to run the trains.
  3. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    NIMBYs don't only fight back over eminent domain, but object over all sorts of perceived (or real) negative impacts, including noise, increased closing times at crossings. In Florida there were even boat owners trying to stop the project because of increased use of swing bridges. There were also...
  4. cirdan

    Chicago South Shore & South Bend (NICTD) discussion (2023-2024)

    I must see if I can find old pictures (i have quite a few stashed away on some backup somewhere) but I do believe the front yards of those houses have also been shaved back quite a bit. Also, from memory, many if not most of the properties along that section used to be rather dilapidated and...
  5. cirdan

    Chicago - St. Louis Lincoln Corridor to begin higher speed running

    I would tend to agree with this if electronic timetables actually worked properly all the time. In my experience, even in Europe, it is not uncommon for the algorithm to either miss obvious connections (it once assumed I needed at least 20 minutes to walk to a bus stop that was in reality just...
  6. cirdan

    Rail service and travel by rail in the Indian subcontinent

    Could it be that the reason for these joints is to provide some sort of electrical isolation between segments for signal and detection purposes? I don't know about India, but in the legal systems of some countries land ownersip also means you technically own the subsoil going a long way down...
  7. cirdan

    Container Ship strikes and collapses Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge

    seems on odd way to demolish the bridge to me. It means the debris is now on the river bed where it will in future be a hazard to dredgers and may one day cost many times what was saved here to lift back to the surface. A severe case of "not my department" mentality.
  8. cirdan

    Last mile transport between train station and cruise terminal

    Also, the trolley would have to go somewhere meaningful to be useful. Just ferrying passengers a few blocks and dropping them there is not going to make it an attractive alternative to driving. I agree. However Brightline seem to be working quite hard to tap into the cruise market and want to...
  9. cirdan

    Auto Train service expansion?

    I don't know, but am assuming Florida is especially attractive as a sun and sea destination for people from the north east, and maybe to a lesser degree from across the broader mid-west, offering them a means to escape grey winters. LA (and its broader area) is pretty much a rival to Florida in...
  10. cirdan

    Tampa Union Station

    Interesting to read the claim that "Union Station in Tampa remains Florida’s second busiest passenger train station." I guess this claim means second busiest Amtrak station? Or would that claim genuinely also relate to any Brightline or commuter station?
  11. cirdan

    Replacement for B&P tunnel in Baltimore

    The wording is a bit contradictory here. The article says the tunnel is being built through a working-class black neighborhood, which sounds at first like a massive swathe of urban destruction, until you think about it being a tunnel. That surely means it is being built under the neighborhood...
  12. cirdan

    Sightseer Lounge etiquette

    The alternative would be to design the cars to have a private office where the crew can retreat to do their paperwork or have their coffee break behind a closed door. If that happened we would probably be here now moaning over crew who disappear and cannot be found when needed and are...
  13. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    My criticism is that Amtrak has no magic gold dust up its sleeve, but is weighed down by the drawbacks of being a government entity. Amtrak may have deep pockets in principle, but needs to spread that money thinly over all its various activities, and so will not somehow be able to magically...
  14. cirdan

    Dreamstar overnight train between San Francisco and Los Angeles?

    Do the former ATSF bi-levels have any useful life left in them? I guess they were eliminated by Amtrak for a reason, and the many years of subsequent languishing in the open will not have improved them either. OTOH modifying commuter equipment would entail a near total rebuild, at least for the...
  15. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    The current version of the plans feature one intermediate stop at Brazos Valley. I understand that stop will be served by a highway connection with parking facilities and that the proposal includes operating a shuttle bus to the nearby college. I do not think the rail line will come near many...
  16. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    Texas HSR is planning to build everything from scratch. I do not think they will be crossing through any built up areas (except at the two ends). Thus conflicts with urban fabric will be at a minimum. Most of the alignment will be built on what is presently farmland. I do not think there will be...
  17. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    I don't know how Texas HSR went about approaching landowners, but I understand that in France and Spain they did a lot of land-swapping deals. So they listened to farmers for example to understand why cutting up this field was going to damage the economic prospects of the entire farm, and then...
  18. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    I understand local manufacturing is defined not by how or where stuff is assembled, but by the percentage of the total value that is created locally. This can mean that some of the sub-suppliers need to be local as well. Preferably the high value ones. Assembly is only a small part of the total...
  19. cirdan

    Texas High Speed Rail

    The cynic in me says Amtrak may be good at the operating side of running a railroad, but doesn't have much of a track record when it comes to delivering major projects from scratch or pushing for service expansion. Such projects tend to take forever, and Amtrak, being directly answerable to...
  20. cirdan

    Northeast Regional discussion 2022-2024 H1

    Often this is a chicken and egg question. Car-centric cities tend to be spread out as they have no incentive to place things close together. Transit-centric cities often build around the transit stations with real estate closer to a station being more desirable and this reinforces the virtuous...