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  1. texline

    Changing diapers in the SSL

    Little babies are great however I disagree with using the SSL tables as a changing station. Sorry just me.
  2. texline

    PPC on 11 (7) is going to be "Bad Ordered"

    My wife sitting in the substitute car for the PPC. They did offer some of the alternative menu items and a few specialty drinks. No breakfast buffet. Some items were not stocked. The attendant said a cross country cafe car would be a better substitute. The car didn't get crowded and was still a...
  3. texline

    Any recommended good restaurants near (DEN) Union station?

    I second Delectable Egg. Great breakfast. I would caution on Oxford. We were there a few months ago stuck in major construction on the 4th floor. Wasn't good. I would recommend calling and see if construction is done.
  4. texline

    Good place to stay by King street station Seattle ?

    We take light rail south to very a reasonable motel.
  5. texline

    Is The Eclipse A Missed Opportunity For Amtrak?

    Alaska Airlines has a big advertisement now for the event in the Sonoma County media. I might call just to see what the price of the package includes.
  6. texline

    coach or roomette from flagstaff to los angeles in september

    We did that trip. We got a roomette. I am glad we did as train back to LA was hours late. And we were really tired. Was nice to get a little rest for LA.
  7. texline

    Baseball parks by train - Safeco checked off

    Our latest ball park adventure was to Safeco Park in Seattle from EMY. We arrived in Emeryville and waited for the 14. When the capital corridor trains started to pass the station, I suspected the starlight was delayed in Oakland doing some switching. The CS pulled into the station and sure...
  8. texline

    Sleeping in a Sleeper

    I used the iPhone app that has a selection of sounds and a timer last night in my sleeper I thought it wasn't going to do much but I put in my ear buds and listened to birds chirping. I was sleeping within 15 minutes. Wow! Woke up few hours later to a strong jolt. The sleeper car temp was...
  9. texline

    Breakdown on 14 just past Klamath (6/5-6)

    We seem to have a determined crew. They have fixed the issue. Rolling again.
  10. texline

    Breakdown on 14 just past Klamath (6/5-6)

    We are dead stopped with a problem with a private car. Scanner traffic says air brake problem. HEP shut off a couple times during repair. Oh well, here is the view
  11. texline

    Napa Valley Wine Train resort
  12. texline


    I picked up a BC75XLT for $70 after reading the suggestions on AU. I got to try it out a couple of weeks ago on the CZ. Worked great and made the trip even better. I laugh at myself because I had to wear a radio for decades and I said to myself at retirement never again. I guess enough time...
  13. texline

    Denver Hotel recommendations and Union Station tips

    We just made that trip. We stayed steps away from Union Station at the Oxford Hotel. I would NOT recommend it as they didn't warn us that they were doing construction on the 4th and 5th floor and guest were sandwiched in between construction. They also heaped on fees after our arrival so the on...
  14. texline

    Emeryville to Denver to Emeryville

    Coor's Field has some great views. The rooftop was great for watching the long ball. We sat in different spots. Watched the Giants get beat up for their series.
  15. texline

    Emeryville to Denver to Emeryville

    My wife and I scheduled a trip to Denver to add to our visit of Major League Ballparks the last part of April. We headed out from Sonoma County bright and early. The commute traffic was surprising light. We made good time to Emeryville and the only traffic hitch at all was we needed to circle...
  16. texline

    Location of the sleeping cars on the CZ

    I am on the CZ currently. The conductor says they are adding a full sleeper next week. Currently two with a transdorm still on the front.
  17. texline

    Heading west on CZ 5

    The SSL is packed full of coach passengers today. We have a bedroom so not a big issue. Train is running ahead of schedule. Perfect day for viewing or photos.
  18. texline

    Heading west on CZ 5

    Beautiful morning in Denver. We are on time. To the question do they serve breakfast on departure the answer today is yes. Great crew today.
  19. texline

    Heading out on CZ 6

    First trip out this year. Was surprised by traffic detour for the new parking garage but not a problem getting a parking spot. A little delayed now by getting underway at 9:25
  20. texline

    Question about second diner on Coast Starlight today

    I noticed the CS 14 had a substitute for the parlor car today. I am still figuring out the equipment and I see this diner has one less window. Is it a regular diner or something close? I never had traveled CS with a substitute PPC and I was curious. Thank you in advanced.