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  1. texline


    We had a trip on the SWC a couple years ago and the SCA not only had coffee, juice and water but she also put out snacks. Breakfast pastries and such. Was a nice surprise.
  2. texline

    14 Starlight stopped at Klamath Falls

    Thanks. You are correct. Some kind of fluke with the tracking software. I noticed later in the day things showed back up but I neglected to see there was no huge delay. Sorry, my bad. I have no idea why it showed a terminated train. To further throw me off, the Amtrak train status to PDX...
  3. texline

    14 Starlight stopped at Klamath Falls

    I noticed 14 disappeared off the status map. I see on ASM it is parked at Klamath Falls after a normal trip time-wise northbound. I knew about the Seattle closure. I tried to find the service disruption detail and the only this was the notice on WA closure. It did say Starlight was having...
  4. texline

    Seattle trip planning, need a few suggestions

    We are taking Cascades to Portland on way back. We wanted to add that to our list of trains. Not such a crazy idea.
  5. texline

    Seattle trip planning, need a few suggestions

    I am a big user of trip advisor. It is a great tool. The suggestions here have been great. The one thing I keep forgetting is Air b&b. My grown kids use it and find fantastic places. I should have mentioned the trip date is June. I checked out the places suggested and the rates are good now...
  6. texline

    Seattle trip planning, need a few suggestions

    Thank you everyone. We are dialed in. We are counting on the light rail to link it together but have a back up. Looking forward to riding the Cascades back, a new one for us. Got bedroom C on the Starlight. Safeco field down but so many more to go. Thanks again.
  7. texline

    Coast Starlight Business Class

    Unless it has changed, the CS has a separate coach car located between the PPC and SSL for business class. In my travels, maybe a dozen passengers in business class. Lots of room. They allowed business class to come into the PPC for a wine tasting. I don't ride in coach. It has been packed on my...
  8. texline

    Seattle trip planning, need a few suggestions

    We have another ballpark trip lined up This time to Seattle Safeco field. Our plan is to take the CS to Seattle. The accommodations is where we are stuck. The hotels near the ballpark are $300 a night. The hotels in the area in Seattle are not much lower. I looked through other posts and...
  9. texline

    Nevada Wash Out Repairs on the California Zephyr Route

    I tried to ticket SWC and it was sold out. I tried to go out a few weeks and it was sold out or very limited. I don't know enough about equipment but it would seem the an extra sleeper while CZ is down would be of great benefit.
  10. texline

    coast starlight- pacific parlour car

    I don't know the access rules. Last time in the PPC they invited everyone to the wine tasting (coach included). The rest of the time it was just sleeper tickets in PPC. I personally would upgrade just because I like the seats that swivel, the giant windows, the drinks and the alternative diner...
  11. texline

    Planning Denver trip. Need some suggestions

    Thanks so much for your responses. My wife took it all in and decided the views and experience plus not dealing with airlines was worth it. So we are now booked BOTH ways on the CZ! She looked at the maps and researched a bit and the Oxford was her choice for hotel. Bought tickets for Rockies...
  12. texline

    Planning Denver trip. Need some suggestions

    My wife doesn't always get how Amtrak works. If she wanted to wait a bit, Amsnag had some lower fares in future months. We have alternatives, a roomette or family bedroom at a lower cost coming back so don't know if she will go for round trip. The way I see it is at least I get Amtrak on one...
  13. texline

    Planning Denver trip. Need some suggestions

    Getting ready to book some trips. We plan to go to Denver at the end of April. We want to catch a couple of ball games. We are coming from SF Bay Area. Taking the CZ back to EMY in a bedroom (our last SCA let us swap from a roomette to a bedroom for several hours and my wife was sold). I don't...
  14. texline

    Starlight going backwards

    I haven't seen an Amtrak train towed backwards before. I saw the Starlight being towed backwards through Dunsmuir. I was curious about what happened. I am guessing that is the 11. Is the train turned around and run as the 14? Do they use the turntable at Dunsmuir? What happened to 14, was...
  15. texline

    Late running 14 has extra SSL

    The CS had an extra SSL car on the end this morning. I wondered if it was in service or just being transported. I haven't traveled on the CS without the PPC so wondered if the the SSL normally used gets crowded. Be a bonus to have two SSL in that case. But I have no idea, just saw it and...
  16. texline

    Amtrak beer run

    Santa Rosa has an Amtrak bus connection and you can get to the Russian River Brewing Co. although Sonoma County has so many breweries popping up every day, just had a couple more open down the street from me. Petaluma has a bunch springing up around Lagunitas Beer, Rohnert Park around the Double...
  17. texline

    BART stalls, Uber steps in

    BART break downs are not uncommon so when I heard it on the news this morning, I glanced at the video of ticked off passengers and didn't think to much of it. What caught my interest was an interview with a stranded passenger who mentioned Uber. Apparently Uber caught on quickly that BART...
  18. texline

    Coast Starlight two diners today (12/23)

    I noticed the NB CS today had a dining car in place of the PPC. Do they serve food and drink like the PPC or is it just for seeing the view. Is this the normal winter consist?
  19. texline

    Nashville to Williams

    We took SWC to Williams Junction. It is in a forest clearing, serviced by a logging road. The conductor made sure we had booked Grand Canyon Hotel as if you just get off there, no van ride for you. The conductor said people have gotten off thinking a cab or bus is available. And he added that...
  20. texline

    Parking at SJC Diridon

    We ran into that in Emeryville. Flying down, riding train back. Agent said can't leave car with a one way ticket. We parked at Fly & Ride. When we got back, a short and inexpensive Uber ride got us to the car.