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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. BoulderCO

    New York Penn Station v3.0

    Just a FYI for train station aficionados: The latest (13 March) issue of The NewYorker magazine has a feature article about the history of Penn Station and its continuing struggle to deal with modernization. Turns out that having Madison Square Garden "upstairs" has not worked out well!
  2. BoulderCO

    Hotels convenient to Amtrak

    Ha anyone stayed at the Club Quarters in Chicago in the past year? If so, how is it? Obviously, the price has gone up, but would appreciate some report on recent experiences. Last time I was there was 3 years ago and I was very satisfied. Looks like I'll be in the Windy City this...
  3. BoulderCO

    Amtrak Coach discussion

    No need to be "scared" of coach. Yes, a chance of some noisy passengers, but it typically doesn't last too long. I usually get get up and go to the observation or cafe car for awhile. A more meaningful concern might be how well you can sleep in the coach seat. They are large and comfortable...
  4. BoulderCO

    Winter Park (Colorado) Express is back

    Even it the ski train arrives on time, it would be a tight connection. Assuming you were doing light rail to DIA you would probably arrive by 8:00 ish - Not a lot of time to get thru security and to your gate.
  5. BoulderCO

    Business Class on Coast Starlight eligible to eat in the Diner

    Thank You Willbridge. Not new or unexpected news, but fairly and eloquently stated. The Bakery at Davis seems like a treasure - an oasis to be celebrated in these times. It almost makes me want to hop on a train and check it out. Note that I did say "almost'. :>)
  6. BoulderCO

    What is the best way to travel the US?

    At the age of 79 and traveling the USA for at least 60 of them, I have some personal opinions about the "best" way to travel. If AmTrak happens to go where you want to go, then it is hard to beat as a relaxing and fairly rapid way to get there. I've enjoyed every train trip I've taken...
  7. BoulderCO

    Comparison of Amtrak vs. other transport mode

    Like most things said in anger, "Never Again!" shouldn't be taken literally. There is a cartoon in this week's New Yorker magazine that depicts an obviously angry passenger confronting a gate agent at an airport. He is pounding his fist on the agent's workstation and saying: "If you don't...
  8. BoulderCO

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    I like your "tablescape" term, 20th Century Rider. Well done!
  9. BoulderCO

    Radio stations along Texas Eagle route

    You will probably be somewhat frustrated finding many stations that you enjoy. I like radio listening and always take a small AM/FM portable radio when on the train. Because of the shielding of the train and all the electrical noise it generates, AM reception will be limited. For AM you...
  10. BoulderCO

    Food delivery on Coast Starlight LAX to SEA

    I agree with the posts above: You will be adding a lot of stress to your trip if you are trying to obtain food during smoke stops. Things will go wrong more than right! Your best bet is to take some high quality home-made or purchased food/snacks along with you. Treat yourself to things...
  11. BoulderCO

    CZ Trip Coming Up

    In general, the easiest thing is to just be in the observation car (or dining car) during the daylight hours. That way you don't need to worry about which side of the train you are on, as you will have good visibility of both sides. Lots of times, you will have great views in both directions!
  12. BoulderCO

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    It is flexible in the sense that you have choices - take it or leave it.
  13. BoulderCO

    Measuring the Ventilation in Amtrak Superliner Sleepers

    Thank you for sharing these data! Certainly something we haven't seen before. It is fun to be able to measure and quantify things - something I really enjoy. Interesting to see the variation with trains, location and time. Even though some levels were slightly over the recommended...
  14. BoulderCO

    Taking a trip on the Crescent - Now, you tell me!

    Another fun thing to do in NO is to try the Gumbos. Just about every restaurant serves their own version it and it makes for a perfect inexpensive lunch. One week when I was there I tried Gumbo at different places every day for lunch. They were all Very different and all excellent - In...
  15. BoulderCO

    Taking a trip on the Crescent - Now, you tell me!

    Make sure you spend some time on Frenchman Street. Not as boisterous as Bourbon St, but actually better music. Lots of small clubs to choose from. Just wander along the street and go into whatever place has the most appealing music. Also, many of the street performers in NO are awesome...
  16. BoulderCO

    Map of California Zephyr route?

    I've done it, but not recently. It is doable, and the size of the files are quite reasonable. Don't ask me for numbers, but it easily fit into a low-end iPhone 5 to 7 years ago. Don't believe that file size should be a limitation for you. You divide it into segments of rectangles...
  17. BoulderCO

    What travel book should I take on cross country trip?

    Much as I used to love and use road atlases, today you will be better served by Google or Apple Maps on your phone. They show the tracks and are much more versatile (and less awkward to carry) than paper maps. If you will be traveling in an area without cell coverage, you can download the...
  18. BoulderCO

    Bus drivers union calls Denver Union Station a "hellhole."

    I use Union Station proper when riding Amtrak and the adjoined RTD bus terminal for regional bus transit from Boulder. They are indeed VERY different experiences. Union Station itself is quite pleasant, and as a consequence, attracts a lot of visitors from the general public who aren't...
  19. BoulderCO

    Chicago to Emeryville on Zephyr

    Also, in the lounge car, you can move around as you wish. Rarely would you sit in the same chair on the same side all day. The windows are large enough that you will see plenty of both sides. Most people will want to come and go from the car and just select whatever seat is available.
  20. BoulderCO

    Glenwood Springs?

    Sounds like you have confirmed on the hot spring's website that they are indeed open. If so, the walks to there and the hotel should not be any particular issue in January unless there is an unusual heavy snow on the day you are there. And there will be plenty of local hoppy beer available...