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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. BoulderCO

    Tips/ideas first time retired couple

    June 6 is coming up fast - so enjoy your journey! Too close to make any itinerary adjustments at this point, but if you enjoy the train and want another ride later, here is a thought: Wait until traditional dining car dining is back and your foot heals up. Then take the Zepher East and get...
  2. BoulderCO

    Hello, I'm new here w/questions about coach on California Zephyr

    I know your VIA is about $1 a cup, but the cafe car coffee is in my opinion equally good. So at least try it a time or two. Your biggest challenge will be sleeping. Both your personal ability to sleep kind of sitting up and the luck of the draw about having a seat mate in coach will be big...
  3. BoulderCO

    Amtrak long distance fares 2021-2023

    I haven't been on Amtrak since before Covid, but find it interesting to compare how Amtrak and the Airlines are coping during this recovery period. Obviously, as much as I like the train, I would never pay the kind of prices being reported here. I'm sure there is a lot of variation among the...
  4. BoulderCO

    Saver, Value, or Flexible ... or Business class?

    Wow - didn't know about that. It would indeed be a reason to avoid "First" Class.
  5. BoulderCO

    Is the Chicago lounge back in full operation yet?

    Up until a couple years ago, the Chicago lounge had free wine or beer during happy hour.
  6. BoulderCO

    North East Corridor (NEC) night train and sleeper journey

    Thank You, MainerTrainer, for the excellent review. And thanks also for taking one for the team ;>) It would appear that they are not yet ready for prime time.
  7. BoulderCO

    Questions about travel from Orlando to Vegas, Niagara Falls, weekends, etc.

    If Reno might be a suitable substitute for Las Vegas for you, Amtrak does service Reno on the California Zephyr.
  8. BoulderCO

    First Time Long Distance Train

    Another vote for not missing the Sedona Desert Museum in Tucson - it is awesome. Don't let the word "museum" scare you away if you aren't a museum person. It is more of an outside zoo and botanical garden experience. Very highly recommended.
  9. BoulderCO

    Amtrak dining and cafe service

    Yes, the elimination of buffets - or at least no more "serve yourself" makes a lot of sense. I understand the logic. However, I will dearly miss the daily lunch buffets at the local Indian restaurants - Lots of interesting and tasty food. A very fun way to overeat a large variety of dishes.
  10. BoulderCO

    Electric heating and cooling cup

    Peltier devices are notoriously inefficient - both for heating and for cooling. Even after you find a source of several amps of 12 volts, you will be frustrated with the results. For heating, a regular immersion resistive heater is orders of magnitude quicker. No readily available...
  11. BoulderCO

    Will dining cars resume 12/15/20?/Flexible dining extended to May 2021?

    Yes, having the empty seat next to you in coach is HUGE in terms of comfort. Not only the extra space to find a comfortable sleeping position, but also avoiding the awkwardness of having someone next to you. I always take a window seat and, at my age, need to get up at least once during the...
  12. BoulderCO

    Will dining cars resume 12/15/20?/Flexible dining extended to May 2021?

    My best case scenario for conventional dining returning is 2Q 2021 - but only IF Amtrak gets more support and $$ from the new administration.
  13. BoulderCO

    How reliable is Air Conditioning in Bedroom cars

    Can't recall ever being too warm on Amtrak. Too cold sometimes, however. Especially at this time of the year, getting too hot shouldn't be a concern.
  14. BoulderCO

    freezers in roomettes?

    It is probably OK with Amtrak, but probably a poor choice. Peltier coolers/heaters are terribly inefficient - only a few percent if I recall correctly. Use ice or one of the small freezer packs.
  15. BoulderCO

    2 Roomettes or Bedroom

    Have you considered Coach? It's a short ride, and the youngsters may want to spend time in the observation car anyhow.
  16. BoulderCO

    Amtrak suspends Express Shipping

    Excuse my possible paranoia, but could this announcement be tied to the recently announced cutback in the US Post Office services? The powers that presently be don't want any government or government subsidized service to look good. They prefer sending the business to UPS, Fed-Ex, etc.
  17. BoulderCO

    Chicago Travel Order - 14 day quarantine

    Nebraska and Iowa also now on the list, so the Zephyr will be included.
  18. BoulderCO

    Best stopovers on the CZ -- and other CZ questions

    I agree - and I live in Colorado! If it were winter and you were into winter sports, I'd suggest Winter Park. But in the summer, Truckee has much more to offer than WP. Glenwood Springs is a solid choice for 2 nights. You could even take the convenient regional bus up to Aspen for part of...
  19. BoulderCO

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic: Amtrak Food Service Discussion

    A First Class Acela trip used to be on my bucket list. Not anymore.