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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. BoulderCO

    Winter Park Express

    The BusTang is indeed new and does go between Union Station in Denver and Glenwood Springs on a daily basis. Only one trip per day in each direction. At first I was kind of excited about this for an alternative to AmTrak for when I want to visit GWS for a couple days. But the schedule is...
  2. BoulderCO

    First long distant trip on southwest chief

    I would not recommend the cutsie gift card & drawing in lieu of a proper tip. It would probably be received politely, but have the same effect as people who tip with $1 coins or $2 bills. Specifically, the attendant would much rather have normal folding money that isn't a nuisance to...
  3. BoulderCO

    The next tipping question.

    I like to be on good terms with the cafe car person, so I do almost always tip. I travel alone and never have a big order - a bag of chips or coffee or juice, etc. For that I just leave the change as a tip. If I'm ordering an alcoholic beverage and the attendant prepares the ice, cuts a...
  4. BoulderCO

    Sleeping on coach, long distance

    Forgot to add: In my opinion, the upstairs coach is much better. The view and easy one-level access to SSL and diner are very worthwhile. And for sleeping, make sure you have a comfy non-restrictive outfit with long sleeves and legs. It will seem colder at night when you are trying to...
  5. BoulderCO

    Sleeping on coach, long distance

    The easiest question first: No worries about security or need to lock anything. When I leave my seat to go to the SSL or diner I take my wallet and iPad with me, but other than that just leave my stuff where I had it stored at or above my coach seat. Never any issues or concerns. I'm a...
  6. BoulderCO

    Going to Boulder CO by either SWC or CZ

    I can't offer you much help with the Eastern part of your decisions, but can provide input on the Denver/Boulder portion. If flying, by all means take the RTD SkyRide AB (Airport to Boulder) bus from DIA (Airport) directly to downtown Boulder. This will cost you either $9.00 or $4.50 depending...
  7. BoulderCO

    How do you describe a train trip to someone used to flying??

    Actually, I do have the link: http://www.popsugar....#photo-40685768
  8. BoulderCO

    How do you describe a train trip to someone used to flying??

    One of the best things to give them would be a link to a recent article from Yahoo that showed up on one of these forums a day or two ago. It was a photo essay of the train experience on the CZ and LSL, both roomette and coach. It was, in my opinion, a slightly too positive spin on things...
  9. BoulderCO

    Amtrak commercials

    I'm not much of a TV watcher, but have been hearing lots of radio ads for AmTrak here in the Denver market. Mostly short spots highlighting reasonable one-way fares to Chicago, Reno, SLC, etc on the CZ. (low bucket, no doubt ;>)
  10. BoulderCO

    Denver Passenger Drop-Off?

    Yes, there is access for drop-off on both sides. Not sure exactly what you mean by "drop-off", however. If you want a convenient place to park and say goodby, I'm not sure that would be easy. I don't go to that area by car, so never really looked for parking. But for just a quick...
  11. BoulderCO

    3 Days of Food?

    High quality salted mixed nuts are my favorite food to take on the train. Light weight, tasty, actually good for you, keep for days and are useful during "happy hour" as well as at meal time ;>)
  12. BoulderCO

    Sleeping in coach - how bad?

    If it were just one night, I'd say go for the coach. Kids that age would probably see it as an adventure rather than a hardship. I use coach for all my one night trips. But SF to CHI is two nights. You and the older kids would no doubt be really craving a shower by then. I certainly would...
  13. BoulderCO

    Ambus & Fisherman's Wharf

    I accidentally stumbled into the exact situation described above. I took the Zephyr a few years ago to Emeryville and then the AmBus to somewhere downtown nearest to the hotel I was staying at for a convention. I'm not at all uneasy about walking at night, even with luggage, so figured it...
  14. BoulderCO

    why can't food be better

    Yes, the "reservation" system for coach passengers wanting to eat in the dining car needs work. I'm a "wanderer", and spend a fair amount of time moving between my coach seat and the observation/cafe car. When it is rumored that dining reservations are being taken I'm always very alert so...
  15. BoulderCO

    New Orleans Advice Please

    For 3 days it is well worth it to stay in the French Quarter (avoid central Bourbon st). In addition to taxis, NOLA also has Uber so getting to your train in the morning should be a non-issue. Have Fun !!
  16. BoulderCO

    Why are U.S. rail companies snubbing the business traveler?

    Rail and large corporations have never mixed well. My own story took place around 1980 when I worked for IBM. We were working on a program with a defense contractor on the West end of Long Island and I was with a team from IBM that regularly spent a week or two at a time working there. IBM...
  17. BoulderCO

    New Orleans Advice Please

    You didn't say how many days you want to stay in NO, but I agree with others that you are better off in a French Quarter hotel than in the business district unless you are only staying one night. The business district gets very quiet at night in terms of activities. From the French Quarter...
  18. BoulderCO

    Cross Country for $213 Rant

    I read all the negative comments here before looking at the article, so was expecting it to be a gigantic slam against AmTrak. After reading it, I'm not sure I was seeing the same article. To me it seemed about 85% positive and good publicity for AmTrak. The biggest fault in terms of...
  19. BoulderCO

    Leaving bag at DEN

    Yes, you can leave your luggage for a few hours prior to your train leaving. I did it a few months ago when taking the CZ Chicago. Left the bag there (just showed them my reservation printout) and then walked downtown for dinner before departure. Don't remember if there was a charge or not...
  20. BoulderCO

    Pets will be allowed on all trains

    Yes, the possible aggravations boggle the mind. As Devil's Advocate correctly points out the carpets are already quite disgusting. And some folks in the lounge car sleep on them. Does the guy in coach 4 rows away talking on his phone at midnight keep you awake? What it if were a barking...