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  1. BoulderCO

    California Zephyr ...Upper or Lower??

    Unless you have a severe disability, definitely upper! Better views. Very comfortable. Plenty of storage space for you carry-ons. Much easier to walk to Observation car and Dining car all on the same level. After arriving at your seat, the only time you will need to use stairs will be...
  2. BoulderCO

    Dining car menu question

    As much as I enjoy traveling on AmTrak (and having one meal a day in the dining car), I never tell people that it is "good" food. Why set unreasonable expectations. At best, it is what you would find at an average diner. At worst, it is worse. That said, the best overall choice for dinner...
  3. BoulderCO

    California Zephyr in Colorado

    I would also suggest Glenwood Springs. First of all, there is the large hot springs and spa. Secondly, the bike/pedestrian trail up the canyon is not to be missed. You will see it from across the river from the train, but the best view - with the ability to stop when you want - is to be had...
  4. BoulderCO

    Luggage Storage at DEN Union Station

    There should be no problem with doing that, but not sure what the time limit is. When I get on the #6 there I usually arrive 2 or 3 hours early and check my bags in the check room while I walk downtown and have dinner, etc. Then pick them up again before boarding the train. I don't recall...
  5. BoulderCO

    sleeping in coach seats?

    Yes, MUCH more room and comfort than what you would have in an airplane! Always try for a window seat and always hope for no one sitting next to you (won't always happen). If it does, you can lay horizontally across both seats for even more comfort. I don't bother with an actual pillow...
  6. BoulderCO

    What do you do when traveling alone LD over 30 hours

    You probably won't believe it until after your trip, but boredom is not a problem. In spite of this, I always bring along plenty of reading material plus my iPad with a cell connection. Always good intentions to read a physical book or something on the iPad, but all I ever get accomplished is...