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  1. S

    AGR soft landing intact

    How many TQPs do you currently have? Do usually travel long-distance or in the northeast?
  2. S

    AGR soft landing intact

    That's a great promo. I wonder how you were targeted.
  3. S

    AGR FNBO Credit Card discussion 2023 H2 -2025

    This is the correct answer. It's called credit cycling and definitely raises red flags. If you have a longer or in-depth relationship with the bank, then credit cycling probably won't affect you.
  4. S

    Upgrade/Companion/Lounge Coupons: seeking, available, questions

    Yep, trimetbusfan is correct with the additional details. In fact, if you are logged into your account, your coupon should show on the Add Coupon in the dropdown. If not, you can enter the code manually.
  5. S

    Upgrade/Companion/Lounge Coupons: seeking, available, questions

    I've ONLY booked online with the Companion Coupon. When searching for your trip, choose two travelers, not one. It will ask for the 2nd traveler's ID info as you go through the process.
  6. S

    Upgrade/Companion/Lounge Coupons: seeking, available, questions

    I could definitely use one. I wasn't able to qualify for Select Plus and didn't get the bump up from Select (I was a few thousand short of the 10,000). I travel the NEC often. Thank you for offering them to the group.
  7. S

    Upgrade/Companion/Lounge Coupons: seeking, available, questions

    Not sure if it's that "obvious." Seat cancellations and upgrades are in real time so someone could have cancelled their seat during your call.
  8. S

    Upgrade/Companion/Lounge Coupons: seeking, available, questions

    If there aren't any available seats, then the upgrade option won't appear.
  9. S

    Tier status extended/bumped

    Did it say on your member card "2/2025" in the app?
  10. S

    Upgrade/Companion/Lounge Coupons: seeking, available, questions

    Hmmmm. Did you try it? I know it says "travel by" on the terms but there were multiple reports that Amtrak was treating the coupons as "book by".
  11. S

    Upgrade/Companion/Lounge Coupons: seeking, available, questions

    Are you not able to book your September dates with your current Companion coupons? BTW, nice of you to offer them up to the group.
  12. S

    Vermonter delays and timeline

    Yeah, the lack of information has been ridiculous. The train has been consistently late but Amtrak won't update the schedules to reflect it. And then there's the random bussing that occurs and sometimes they cancel all stops north of New Haven.
  13. S

    Vermonter delays and timeline

    Does anyone know when the track maintenance will be done in Vermont? For the last few months, the Vermonter has been delayed for 60 minutes plus. Wondering when the work will be completed.
  14. S

    Tier status extended/bumped

    Just received an email that they're letting me have another year of Select Plus. I was 2,000 TQPs short of Select Plus. Hopefully, others get this, too.
  15. S

    Select, Select Plus, Select Executive population

    Curious, have you actually been turned down at the lounge because your ticket? The desk does look at mine but I thought it was only to check if I was actually travelling that day. Considering how empty the lounge is, they really should allow all Select Plus members in.
  16. S

    Select, Select Plus, Select Executive population

    I'll miss Select Plus this year, as well, by only 1k-2k TQPs. I toyed with the idea of doing credit card spend to get the TQPs but ultimately decided against it. Like you, I like the unlimited access to the Moynihan lounge but I can always buy a pass if I'm traveling with family that needs to...
  17. S

    Moynihan Train Hall

    Did the Moynihan pricing change recently? I remember it being $35 previously.
  18. S

    Vermonter delays

    Wow! Thank you for adding so much detail. So when the Vermonter approaches the work area, it almost comes to a complete stop until the tracks are cleared? I didn't realize the tracks north of Hartford needed that much work for so many years. I don't make it past Hartford so I always thought...
  19. S

    Vermonter delays

    Thanks for the data. I wish Amtrak would provide some published information on these delays. I'm aware of the delays only because I use the various online apps. However, I'm sure there are passengers that rarely ride the Vermonter and are stuck waiting on the platform for an hour.
  20. S

    Vermonter delays

    The busing, which I think occurred in May, was due to track work between Springfield and Berlin, CT. Several trains used buses. Vermonter just had a delayed schedule. I spoke with a conductor and the current delays are due to track and railroad tie replacements in Vermont (leading to speed...