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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. I

    I may have done this wrong???

    To earn AGR points from a Choice Hotels stay, you have to 1) join both AGR and Choice Privileges, then 2) set your Loyalty Program Membership at Choice Privileges to you AGR membership number. For Enterprise, you have to reference customer number AMGRWRD and have your Amtrak Guest Rewards...
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    GML's Advice for New Passenger Rail Advocates

    True cyclists are happy to ride on unmarked streets. They take their lane, pedal a straight, predictable line, and obey traffic regulations. Bike lanes just put you in the door zone of parked cars, and encourage cars to speed and to do right hooks (the most likely way I'll get killed on a...
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    Washington's New Streetcar System Delayed... Again

    Wow, my mistake. I guess that it's hopeless to expect Washington drivers to not pass the stopped streetcar on the right, like in Toronto, so you have to put the streetcar on the edge. I hope that delivery drivers in downtown DC have gotten better in the 15 years since I moved, because I can't...
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    Service Disruption on EB (9/4)

    I've seen long trains of empty grain cars heading west, so I'm looking forward to even bigger traffic-related delays on my Hi Line trip next month as grain shipments ramp up. There's only so much toothpaste you can push through the tube.
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    Washington's New Streetcar System Delayed... Again

    As an avid bicyclist (albeit one who's old enough to stop at stop signs), I'm mystified. They aren't banning bicycles from H Street, rather from the street car lanes in the middle of H Street. It's difficult for me to understand why a bicyclist would be using a left lane (isn't H Street 4...
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    Planning for nuclear waste trains, but to where?

    Surely the issue is concentration of radioactive material, not total radiological output. Your notion would only work if you pulverised the spent fuel rods and then carefully mixed them into the thousands of tons of mine tailings and packed them back into the mine. I'm no engineer, but I'd...
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    Cops called after fliers fight over seat recline

    They were both sitting in Economy Plus, which has four extra inches of legroom.
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    Sleeper without meals?

    I'd have to agree with you. I started regularly eating in dining cars in 2008, when I started traveling in sleeper class (I could never justify any meal but breakfast when I had to pay for it in coach). The chef-inspired meals led to, I thought, a general improvement in dining car fare. Now...
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    Acela first class vs business class

    In my experience (and I've only been riding Amtrak since 1981), making up rules is, well, the rule.
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    Fred Frailey on the CZ diner from hell

    Wikipedia says that Julie is a voice artist, named Julie Seitter
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    Minot parking?

    Lots of room. Yes.
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    Acela first class vs business class

    Sounds like it to me.
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    Why does Amtrak pay for hotel/meals when delay was caused by weather

    I don't think so. In any case, I think that most dispatching problems come not from actual railroad malice but instead from general congestion (like on the Hi Line), or the Amtrak train already being late. Amtrak's problems with its own equipment (like the locomotive catching on fire on the...
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    Cops called after fliers fight over seat recline

    Or, alternately, row 17 on some American Airlines 737s, where the middle seat is blocked. Mrs. Ispolkom discovered this for a flight last May, and it was well worth the extra $20-30.
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    Are there any station stops on EB that have WiFi?

    Standing on the platform at Shelby, I could use the unsecured wifi of the Oil City Saloon nearby. This was a year and a half ago, and they might have secured it since then.
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    24 hours in Kansas City ~ where to stay and what to see?

    We very much enjoyed Arthur Bryant's (great barbecue) and the World War I museum. The latter is a modern-style museum, with lots of explanation, not just fetishistic displays of weapons. Not that they don't have lots of weapons: I remember a particularly artistic arrangement of trench knives,
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    DC Beltway turns 50

    Sadly, that's not true WRT to the ICBMs. Having lived in the DC area for almost ten years, I'd be happy if I never have to drive the Beltway again.
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    Amtrak offers Thruway connections between Williston and Missoula

    Well, then it had copper to ship out. Now it only has pork chop sandwiches.
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    30(3) in a rear end collision?

    Me too, but people have reported getting AGR point refunds, and I thought that wasn't possible, so I really don't know. I just know that I've never gotten anywhere with written communications with Amtrak about such matters. But I certainly could be wrong about that as well. As with most...
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    Onboard Customer Relations

    Yes, this has happened several times when I've been on the Empire Builder.