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  1. E

    Short Consists of Long Distance Trains

    It’s a rational excuse, but it doesn’t mean it was a good decision. Aging assets do cost more to maintain— but they can also be unique profit centers and attractors. It just requires more vision than leadership had at the time. Aren’t the St. Charles Streetcars in New Orleans even older (about...
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    Short Consists of Long Distance Trains

    There was a trespasser strike last last night/early this morning that took six hours to clear. It may be related, unless more three car trains show up in the coming days.
  3. E

    I just found out I earned executive plus status but it expires 3/22

    I noticed the same thing when I just qualified. I wonder if this is some sort of graphical display bug with the extension of 2021 status through Feb of 2022. Please do share what you hear from AGR.
  4. E

    Moynihan Station

    Very true, but CompStat and most crime data discourse focuses on the “7 major felonies” instead of just aggregate crime numbers. It’s why there have been scandals and rumors in the past about juking the stats. For instance, if all the focus and incentives are placed on driving down those 7...
  5. E

    Moynihan Station

    This is where you get into the real legal minutiae, and the potential for manipulation (deliberate or not) of the stats. The main difference between a robbery and a grand larceny is the use of force or the threat of the use of force. But what constitutes force? If someone gets their iPhone...
  6. E

    Amtrak BidUp (Bidding for Upgrades - Business Class, First Class, and Sleepers)

    We just tried BidUp from a roomette to a bedroom on a recent trip on the Meteor. Put in the lowest possible "fair" bid. It wasn't accepted. But that's just one experience. The train also seemed especially full in the sleepers. Best of luck!
  7. E

    Moynihan Station

    Regarding the DailyMail article: NY’er here. Without disclosing too much personal information, my work is very adjacent to public safety. There is currently a lot of discussion and debate in the City over “crime numbers.” A lot of it seems intentionally inflammatory for local political reasons...
  8. E

    Short Consists of Long Distance Trains

    From what I've seen on a few Amtrak Facebook groups (including from people who claim to be in the known or Amtrak employees) there are job postings up now, but the process is slow. Amtrak is having difficulty attracting qualified applicants, and this is not a uniquely Amtrak problem. Assuming...
  9. E

    Short Consists of Long Distance Trains

    The important factor for me that cuts strongly towards this being an equipment and staffing issue was the abrupt resumption of daily long distance service. During the modified schedule (and correct me if I'm wrong) most trains still had their full consists. Staff were furloughed as there were...
  10. E

    Amtrak BidUp (Bidding for Upgrades - Business Class, First Class, and Sleepers)

    Trips that are part of a connecting ticket also do not seem eligible.
  11. E

    EMY to San Francisco bus

    I believe that was was repealed recently. But I’m not sure what changes that meant in practice.
  12. E

    Lakeshore Rail Alliance - Advocating for More Service Along Lake Shore Limited Route

    In-person interview? Yikes. NY just asks for the extra documentation proving you are a U.S. citizen (usually just birth certificate or naturalization paperwork, which most people bring anyway) and an extra $30.
  13. E

    Lakeshore Rail Alliance - Advocating for More Service Along Lake Shore Limited Route

    You still can (aside from COVID-19 restrictions), depending on what state you live in and what kind of license you have. Many northern and northeast states offer drivers licenses that are compliant with the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. For instance, in NY if you have an "enhanced"...
  14. E

    Amtrak long distance fares 2021-2023

    Adding on to your point about high demand, something I have not seen discussed yet here is the potential increase in "short" bookings for Roomettes. With COVID, and mask restrictions, I would be shocked if there were not more bookings for Roomettes on day trips as compared to pre-2020. While...
  15. E

    Confused why it says No Check Baggage..

    I’ve noticed this visual bug on the website recently. A few different trips I booked showed “no baggage” after I booked it even though there was when I booked it and was when I got there. It’s likely just that- a visual bug. Should probably just report it as a bug to customer service/feedback.
  16. E

    "Keep in Sight" seat tag?

    Possibly that person just had special needs. Would be my guess. You don’t put an obviously visible tag like that without the person knowing, so I would assume it was some sort of accommodation.
  17. E

    Crescent Configuration

    Two sleepers and a bag-dorm. I was in the rear-most sleeper and had to walk through the second sleeper to get to the cafe car.
  18. E

    Crescent Configuration

    There were two sleeper cars on the consist when I rode it a few weeks ago. The train was 100% booked. A search on shows trains at 90% capacity in the short term. And pretty much every railfan video I've seen on Youtube has it with two sleeper cars as well. If there was only one...
  19. E

    Double AGR points for "other qualifying travel"

    It counted for the x2 on my last AirBnb stay a couple months ago.
  20. E

    How will TS Elsa affect the Silvers this week?

    Thanks, I appreciate it. Sorry for being snippy in reply. Sounds like I just gotta wait and see. It’ll be an adventure one way or the other.