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  1. sky12065

    Papering the bowl

    :ph34r: ? :blink: Now wadda'ya think? You know somewhere that supplies the "ahem" stuff on a continual roll? :unsure:
  2. sky12065

    8/20 Trip Points Posted

    I saw that notice too, but you forgot to mention that it specified that it applies to The Traveler Only! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. sky12065

    Papering the bowl

  4. sky12065

    Train got in early, but we waited for dinner before leaving?

    I guess I'm just a wealth of confusion today! (no s/a remarks) But... how can you be 4 hours early on a 45 minute run? Or in other words... how can you get to TAY 3hrs and 15 minutes before leaving AUS???
  5. sky12065

    Papering the bowl

    OK, so what did the conductor answer? Badda-boom :wacko: !!!
  6. sky12065

    Train got in early, but we waited for dinner before leaving?

    "It gone early"!!! Or did you mean to say It got there early? If it was that it got to Denver early, I never heard of an Amtrak train being early by even half that amount of time. <_< Has anybody else been on or heard of an Amtrak train that was anywhere near 4 hours early?
  7. sky12065

    Luggage Reliability

    Amtrak doesn't allow checking baggage to Honolulu. I'll have to check to see about Waikiki! :rolleyes: BTW, Click Here to see a pix of my son scuba diving while he was in Waikiki last week!
  8. sky12065

    Papering the bowl

    Reminds me of how we wrapped a DJ in TP at a Halloween party I was chairing many years ago! We called it "mummifying!"
  9. sky12065

    A Little Trip AUS-DAL-FTW-AUS on the Eagle

    And when the 3000 miles are done, I'd bet you'd be yelling OAHU... er, I mean WAHOO! :D
  10. sky12065


    You could dream about meating up with the The Traveler during some future travel! :unsure: NOTE for those who felt a breeze fly over their head... the double entendre was intentional and not a mispelling! (See Jim Hudson's last post)
  11. sky12065

    8/20 Trip Points Posted

    Jim, we were going to move to Arizona, but when we had a family vote our three family cats won out and with a vote of three to two, our cats won out over my wife and myself. So here we sit, soon to enjoy all the snow and ice! :unsure: Regardless of where our points come from, the June trip...
  12. sky12065

    8/20 Trip Points Posted

    Glad you got your points quickly! Although most of my Jun-Jul trips have been posted, I'm still waiting for my 6/26 travel to be posted. Spoke to an AGR supervisor a number of weeks ago about it and another problem, but I'm still in a holding pattern over my train station! Hopefully they'll...
  13. sky12065

    Coast Starlight

    I chime in with south of SAC, but then again I'm partial to ocean views! :)
  14. sky12065


    Beside yourself? :unsure: :unsure:
  15. sky12065

    Viewliner Roomettes - which way for the head?

    I don't get it! You want to keep you head by the window so your feet can stick out? If you head is near the window and you stick your feet out of that same window, I really do have to ask....are you a contortionist? :o Sounds twisted to me!!! :lol:
  16. sky12065

    Holy Crap! Free upgrade to a bedroom on 49!

    :lol: I thought we established a few weeks ago on another thread that there was a downstairs basement level on the Viewliner as well as the Superliner, but we were keeping it hush-hush where the secret passageway was! :lol: Seriously, I specified on the origional post on the other LSL thread...
  17. sky12065

    stuck in ALB for a while...

    Those of us who have had our semi-circular canals imbalanced by the full moon phenomena on the Colorado autta have have special golf shirts made up that states: Traumatized By a Lunar Event On the Zephyr :lol:
  18. sky12065

    AGR Mastercard New Enrollee Bonus Points

    Thanks for your reply! The OP must have been directed to a special page rather than the one I can access.
  19. sky12065

    AGR Mastercard New Enrollee Bonus Points

    I was simply going to ask HOW can using the card ruin your credit, but you did a good job in replying so I'll just second your post. All in favor, raise your right hand... all opposed keep your hand down! :lol: