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  1. sky12065

    2 Millionth AGR Member Promotion

    Why do I get a gut feeling that if you bought points for $41.25 to receive 1691 points (based on 1500 points and includes current bonus and CC points) that you might make out better than what you'll wind up receiving when the final distribution per person is established? That is, unless you...
  2. sky12065

    Upper Level vs. Lower Level

    Consider this, if you've already experienced the upper level why not try the lower and judge for yourself which you like better and then you'll know for the future. If you are on the lower level I would presume that if you want, you can always go to an upper level lounge car (if the train has...
  3. sky12065

    Make reservations without paying?

    I made reservations on the Autotrain southbound last week. Because I was more than 11 months out for the return trip I asked them to hold my reservation for the 7 days. This Wednesday will be the seventh day and is the first day I can book the return trip and will finish the reservation then...
  4. sky12065

    Bison Meatloaf Served on Empire Builder Train 8

    My wife ordered it while we were on the EB. I tried a little bit of it and didn't care that much for it. The only other time I can remember ever having buffalo meat was back in the 70's or 80's when we bought ground buffalo meat direct from a buffalo farm in western NY. IIRC, the burgers...
  5. sky12065

    2 Millionth AGR Member Promotion

    I won't be traveling on 8/20, so you can have my share! Don't say I never gave you anything! :rolleyes:
  6. sky12065

    Lake Shore Limited or Cardinal in December

    You also didn't mention if this is a round trip and if so how you're planning on getting back. Presuming it's round trip on Amtrak, I would take the LSL to NY as the trip is so much shorter and take the Cardinal on the way back. Doing it this way you will have a chance of changing the return...
  7. sky12065

    Cost of train ticket from Springfield, Mass to Orlando

    Comeon Jim, you know the Traveler gets point posting priority at AGR! If he does the referring, the rest of us are going to have to wait all that much longer before we get to have our points posted! :o
  8. sky12065

    Tipping New SCA

    We had exactly that situation on the SWC recently. Both did their job, were pleasant and helpful to us, so we decided to take what we would have tipped overall for a single attendant, add a little bit extra and divide it according to who appeared to do more and by how much!
  9. sky12065

    New AGR referral bonus (6/09)

    You're not alone. Me too! Some day they'll need a break from processing Travelers points and get to ours! ;)
  10. sky12065

    Purchased points

    Dang! Now I know why it's taking so long for some of my points to post! Thanks for the heads-up! :)
  11. sky12065

    The Worst Amtrak Stations Youve Actually Seen?

    Shucks! I wish you hadn't said that it has to be a station that is an actual stop/used by AMTRAK! :o I was gonna say that it was a station 2 blocks away from me where years ago they took out the tracks and made a library out of it! Now I can't say that! :(
  12. sky12065

    Do children have trouble sleeping in sleeper car?

    Hey, you should know that you can't give a child a Sam Adams! :angry: Ya gotta make it a Sam Adams Lite! :lol: (This is a joke too!)
  13. sky12065

    Upper Level vs. Lower Level

    Traveler, you'd probably be happy even if you took a trip on one of !
  14. sky12065

    Twitter names

    Don't know since it was a theoritical incident and didn't really happened! Even if it did, I can't speak for the intruders :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: and to boot, I don't even know if they would have been members of the infamous Timex gang. :P
  15. sky12065

    Bedroom with 3 adults = 3 meals?

    No, it doesn't matter! As one ages it may give them more experience to draw upon, but that experience doesn't automatically give them the ability to reason any more logically than someone of lesser years! In other words, I'm just as... aah, never mind! ;)
  16. sky12065

    Upper Level vs. Lower Level

    To use an analogy and give you a different kind of perspective, I look at the lower level of a superliner and relate it to a box of chocolates and the upper level to box of dark chocolate. Now, I like chocolate and would never turn away a chance to have a good box of the enjoyable sweet stuff...
  17. sky12065

    Bedroom with 3 adults = 3 meals?

    I have to admit that when I was much younger (early 20's), I did encounter a pretty similar situation involving food and payment where I did react in a manner that would resemble how you state you would react. But as I said, I was younger then and now feel that I was wrong in the way I reacted...
  18. sky12065

    Twitter names

    I have an alarm system and if they get by that I have 3 cats that'll give'em a good lickn'! :unsure:
  19. sky12065

    Twitter names

    TWEETS? I don't need no schteenkn' tweets! :angry: I keep fat enough on hamburgers and hot dogs and submarines/hogies and pasta and pizza and............. :P
  20. sky12065

    Bedroom with 3 adults = 3 meals?

    As the person who made the above unidentified quoted statement, I don't think we really do disagree! To the degree of action that you set in your "be polite" statement, I don't think that would raise the communication to the level of "getting upset and making an issue." But, if after being...