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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. T

    Roomette discussion

    Exit from coach. Should a train attendant redirect you, tell them you're trying to avoid interrogation, er, questions by a nosy aunt. Because nosy people don't need a reason to be nosy. They just are. EDIT: if you can set it up ahead of time, sit in coach the last half hour of your trip. Then...
  2. T

    Amtrak SystemTimetable for April 5, 1992

    "Update" depends on what the site creator was trying to accomplish. If it was to digitize material not available otherwise, it's as up to date as it needs to be*. Once the timetables started coming out in PDF, there was no point in scanning print. Once another railfan provided an archive of the...
  3. T

    Amtrak SystemTimetable for April 5, 1992 is still alive. I visit often. There's a slight overlap between the last printed timetables scanned and the PDF-only timetables. The PDF timetables are over on I'll see about scanning the April 1992 system tables. I need to get access to a...
  4. T

    About pairs of numbers for east- and west-bound trains

    Timetable 1971 05 has trains #11 and 12 running from Seattle to San Diego. The 1971 11 timetable split things up and named them. Coast Starlight was 11 and 14, and was listed separately as Seattle to Portland. The combo of Coast Starlight and Coast Daylight was numbered 11-12 southbound, 13-14...
  5. T

    Amtrak SystemTimetable for April 5, 1992

    I have a copy of the system timetable for April 1992, which is listed but not displayed on I have not yet scanned it, but will if anybody else is interested.